Identification of plan.

§ 52.170 Identification of plan.

(a) Purpose and scope. This section sets forth the applicable State Implementation Plan (SIP) for Arkansas under section 110 of the Clean Air Act, 42 U.S.C. 7410, and 40 CFR part 51 to meet national ambient air quality standards.

(b) Incorporation by reference. (1) Material listed in paragraphs (c) and (d) of this section with an EPA approval date prior to December 1, 2005, was approved for incorporation by reference by the Director of the Federal Register in accordance with 5 U.S.C. 552(a) and 1 CFR part 51. Material is incorporated as it exists on the date of the approval, and notice of any change in the material will be published in the Federal Register. Entries in paragraphs (c) and (d) of this section with EPA approval dates after December 1, 2005, will be incorporated by reference in the next update to the SIP compilation.

(2) EPA Region 6 certifies that the rules/regulations provided by EPA in the SIP compilation at the addresses in paragraph (b)(3) of this section are an exact duplicate of the officially promulgated State rules/regulations that have been approved as part of the State implementation plan as of December 1, 2005.

(3) Copies of the materials incorporated by reference may be inspected at or the Environmental Protection Agency, Region 6, 1201 Elm Street, Suite 500, Dallas, Texas 75270–2102. If you wish to obtain material from the EPA Regional Office, please call (800) 887–6063 or (214) 665–2760.

(c) EPA approved regulations.

EPA-Approved Regulations in the Arkansas SIP

State citation Title/subject State
submittal/effective date
EPA approval date Explanation
Regulation No. 19: Regulations of the Arkansas Plan of Implementation for Air Pollution Control
Chapter 1: Title, Intent and Purpose
Reg. 19.101Title3/24/20178/8/2018, 83 FR 38964
Reg. 19.102Applicability2/3/20054/12/2007, 72 FR 18394
Reg. 19.103Intent and Construction3/24/20178/8/2018, 83 FR 38964
Reg. 19.104Severability11/18/20123/4/2015, 80 FR 11573
Chapter 2: Definitions
Chapter 2Definitions9/27/20192/12/2021, 86 FR 9290
Chapter 3: Protection of the National Ambient Air Quality Standards
Reg. 19.301Purpose3/24/20178/8/2018, 83 FR 38964
Reg. 19.302Department Responsibilities2/3/20054/12/2007, 72 FR 18394
Reg. 19.303Regulated Sources Responsibilities2/3/20054/12/2007, 72 FR 18394
Reg. 19.304Delegated Federal Programs3/24/20178/8/2018, 83 FR 38964
Chapter 4: Minor Source Review
Reg. 19.401General Applicability3/24/20176/29/2018, 83 FR 30553Includes supplemental information provided on 11/30/2015, 5/26/2016, 7/5/2017, and 3/16/2018.
Reg. 19.402Approval Criteria2/3/20054/12/2007, 72 FR 18394
Reg. 19.403Owner/Operator's Responsibilities2/3/20054/12/2007, 72 FR 18394
Reg. 19.404Required Information2/3/20054/12/2007, 72 FR 18394
Reg. 19.405Action on Application3/24/20178/23/2019, 84 FR 44235
Reg. 19.406Public Participation3/24/20178/23/2019, 84 FR 44235
Reg. 19.407Permit Amendments3/24/20178/23/2019, 84 FR 44235
Reg. 19.408Exemption from Permitting2/3/20054/12/2007, 72 FR 18394
Reg. 19.409Transition2/3/20054/12/2007, 72 FR 18394
Reg. 19.410Permit Revocation and Cancellation2/3/20054/12/2007, 72 FR 18394
Reg. 19.411General Permits7/26/20108/23/2019, 84 FR 44235
Reg. 19.412Dispersion Modeling3/24/20178/23/2019, 84 FR 44235
Reg. 19.413Confidentiality7/26/20108/23/2019, 84 FR 44235
Reg. 19.414Operational Flexibility-Applicant's Duty to Apply for Alternative Scenarios7/26/20108/23/2019, 84 FR 44235
Reg. 19.415Changes Resulting in No Emissions Increases3/24/20178/23/2019, 84 FR 44235
Reg. 19.416Permit Flexibility7/26/20108/23/2019, 84 FR 44235
Reg. 19.417Registration7/26/20106/29/2018, 83 FR 30553Includes supplemental information provided on 11/30/2015, 5/26/2016, 7/5/2017, and 3/16/2018.
Chapter 5: General Emission Limitations Applicability to Equipment
Reg. 19.501Purpose2/3/20054/12/2007, 72 FR 18394
Reg. 19.502General Regulations3/24/20178/8/2018, 83 FR 38964
Reg. 19.503Visible Emission Regulations1/25/20093/4/2015, 80 FR 11573
Reg. 19.504Stack Height/Dispersion Regulations3/24/20178/8/2018, 83 FR 38964
Reg. 19.505Revised Emissions Limitation1/25/20093/4/2015, 80 FR 11573
Chapter 6: Upset and Emergency Conditions
Reg. 19.601Upset Conditions1/25/20093/4/2015, 80 FR 11573
Chapter 7: Sampling, Monitoring, and Reporting Requirements
Reg. 19.701Purpose2/3/20054/12/2007, 72 FR 18394
Reg. 19.702Air Emissions Sampling3/24/20178/23/2019, 84 FR 44235
Reg. 19.703Continuous Emissions Monitoring3/24/20178/23/2019, 84 FR 44235
Reg. 19.704Notice of Completion2/3/20054/12/2007, 72 FR 18394
Reg. 19.705Recordkeeping and Reporting Requirements6/22/20071/15/2009, 74 FR 2383
Reg. 19.706Public Availability of Emissions Data2/3/20054/12/2007, 72 FR 18394
Chapter 9: Prevention of Significant Deterioration
Reg. 19.901Title3/24/20178/23/2019, 84 FR 44235
Reg. 19.902Purposes1/25/20094/2/2013, 78 FR 19596
Reg. 19.903Definitions3/24/20178/23/2019, 84 FR 44235
Reg. 19.904Adoption of Regulations3/24/20178/23/2019, 84 FR 44235
Chapter 10: Regulations for the Control of Volatile Organic Compounds in Pulaski County
Reg. 19.1001Title2/3/20054/12/2007, 72 FR 18394
Reg. 19.1002Purpose1/25/20093/4/2015, 80 FR 11573
Reg. 19.1003Definitions1/25/20093/4/2015, 80 FR 11573
Reg. 19.1004General Provisions1/25/2009, 5/12/20223/4/2015, 80 FR 11573, 10/23/2023, 88 FR 72686Reg. 19.1004(H) is no longer in SIP, 10/23/2023.
Reg. 19.1005Provisions for Specific Processes1/25/20093/4/2015, 80 FR 11573
Reg. 19.1006Severability2/3/20054/12/2007, 72 FR 18394
Chapter 11: Major Source Permitting Procedures
Chapter 11Major Source Permitting Procedures3/24/20178/23/2019, 84 FR 44235
Chapter 13: Stage I Vapor Recovery
Reg. 19.1301Provisions for Specific Processes1/25/20093/4/2015, 80 FR 11573
Reg. 19.1302Applicability2/3/20054/12/2007, 72 FR 18394
Reg. 19.1303Definitions3/24/20178/8/2018, 83 FR 38964
Reg. 19.1304Exemptions2/3/20054/12/2007, 72 FR 18394
Reg. 19.1305Prohibited Activities2/3/20054/12/2007, 72 FR 18394
Reg. 19.1306Record Keeping2/3/20054/12/2007, 72 FR 18394
Reg. 19.1307Inspections2/3/20054/12/2007, 72 FR 18394
Reg. 19.1308Vapor Recovery Systems3/24/20178/8/2018, 83 FR 38964
Reg. 19.1309Gasoline Delivery Vessels2/3/20054/12/2007, 72 FR 18394
Reg. 19.1310Owner/Operator Responsibility2/3/20054/12/2007, 72 FR 18394
Reg. 19.1311Test Methods2/3/20054/12/2007, 72 FR 18394
Reg. 19.1312Effective Date2/3/20054/12/2007, 72 FR 18394
Chapter 14—CAIR NOXOzone Season Trading Program General Provisions
Reg. 19.1401Adoption of Regulations3/24/20178/8/2018, 83 FR 38964
Reg. 19.1402State Trading Budget7/15/20079/26/2007, 72 FR 54556
Reg. 19.1403Timing Requirements for CAIR NOX Ozone Season Allowance Allocations7/15/20079/26/2007, 72 FR 54556
Reg. 19.1404CAIR NOX Ozone Season Allowance Allocations9/16/20094/17/2014, 79 FR 21631
Chapter 15: Regional Haze
Reg. 19.1501Purpose1/25/20093/12/2012, 77 FR 14604
Reg. 19.1502Definitions3/24/20178/8/2018, 83 FR 38964
Reg. 19.1503BART Eligible Sources1/25/20093/12/2012, 77 FR 14604
Reg. 19.1504Facilities Subject-to-BART3/24/20178/8/2018, 83 FR 38964
Reg. 19.1505BART Requirements1/25/20093/12/2012, 77 FR 14604The following portions of Reg. 19.1505 are disapproved: (A)(1) and (2), (B), (C), (D)(1) and (2), (E), (F)(1) and (2), (G)(1) and (2), (H), (I)(1) and (2), (J)(1) and (2), (K), (L), (M)(1), and (N).
Reg. 19.1506Compliance Provisions1/25/20093/12/2012, 77 FR 14604The requirement to demonstrate compliance with the BART limits listed in Reg. 19.1505 (A)(1) and (2), (B), (C), (D)(1) and (2), (E), (F)(1) and (2), (G)(1) and (2), (H), (I)(1) and (2), (J)(1) and (2), (K), (L), (M)(1), and (N) is disapproved.
Reg. 19.1507Permit Reopening1/25/20093/12/2012, 77 FR 14604
Appendix A: Insignificant Activities List
Appendix AInsignificant Activities List3/24/20178/23/2019, 84 FR 44235
Appendix B: National Ambient Air Quality Standards List
Appendix BNational Ambient Air Quality Standards List9/27/20192/12/2021, 86 FR 9290
Regulation 26: Regulations of the Arkansas Operating Permit Program
Chapter 3: Requirements for Permit Applicability
Reg. 26.301Requirement for a permit7/26/20108/23/2019, 84 FR 44235
Reg. 26.302Sources subject to permitting3/24/20178/23/2019, 84 FR 44235
Chapter 4: Applications for Permits
Reg. 26.401Duty to apply3/24/20178/23/2019, 84 FR 44235
Reg. 26.402Standard application form and required information3/24/20178/23/2019, 84 FR 44235
Reg. 26.407Complete application3/24/20178/23/2019, 84 FR 44235
Reg. 26.409Applicant's duty to supplement correct application7/26/20108/23/2019, 84 FR 44235
Reg. 26.410Certification by responsible official7/26/20108/23/2019, 84 FR 44235
Chapter 5: Action on Application
Reg. 26.501Action on part 70 permit applications7/26/20108/23/2019, 84 FR 44235
Reg. 26.502Final action on permit application3/24/20178/23/2019, 84 FR 44235
Chapter 6: Permit Review by the Public, Affected States, and EPA
Reg. 26.601Applicability7/26/20108/23/2019, 84 FR 44235
Reg. 26.602Public participation3/24/20178/23/2019, 84 FR 44235
Reg. 26.603Transmission of permit information to the Administrator3/24/20178/23/2019, 84 FR 44235
Reg. 26.604Review of draft permit by affected States3/24/20178/23/2019, 84 FR 44235
Regulation No. 31: Nonattainment New Source Review Requirements
Chapter 1: Title, Intent, and Purpose
Reg. 31.101Title7/3/20064/12/2007, 72 FR 18394
Reg. 31.102Applicability7/3/20064/12/2007, 72 FR 18394
Reg. 31.103Severability7/3/20064/12/2007, 72 FR 18394
Chapter 2: Definitions
Chapter 2Definitions7/3/20064/12/2007, 72 FR 18394
Chapter 3: Preconstruction review
Reg. 31.301Requirement for a Permit7/3/20064/12/2007, 72 FR 18394
Reg. 31.302Required Information7/3/20064/12/2007, 72 FR 18394
Reg. 31.303Approval Criteria7/3/20064/12/2007, 72 FR 18394
Reg. 31.304Offsets7/3/20064/12/2007, 72 FR 18394
Reg. 31.305Zones Targeted for Economic Development7/3/20064/12/2007, 72 FR 18394
Reg. 31.306Control Technology Information7/3/20064/12/2007, 72 FR 18394
Reg. 31.307Approval to Construct7/3/20064/12/2007, 72 FR 18394
Reg. 31.308Applicability of Nonattainment Review7/3/20064/12/2007, 72 FR 18394
Reg. 31.309Applicability of Other Regulations7/3/20064/12/2007, 72 FR 18394
Chapter 4: Applicability Tests
Reg. 31.401Actual-to-Projected-Actual Applicability Test7/3/20064/12/2007, 72 FR 18394
Reg. 31.402Actual-to-Potential Test7/3/20064/12/2007, 72 FR 18394
Reg. 31.403[Reserved]7/3/20064/12/2007, 72 FR 18394
Reg. 31.404[Reserved]7/3/20064/12/2007, 72 FR 18394
Reg. 31.405Emission Baseline Credits7/3/20064/12/2007, 72 FR 18394
Reg. 31.406Relaxation of Limits7/3/20064/12/2007, 72 FR 18394
Reg. 31.407Modifications to Existing Units7/3/20064/12/2007, 72 FR 18394
Reg. 31.408Public Availability of Information7/3/20064/12/2007, 72 FR 18394
Reg. 31.409Applicability of Nitrogen Oxides7/3/20064/12/2007, 72 FR 18394
Reg. 31.410Offset Requirements7/3/20064/12/2007, 72 FR 18394
Reg. 31.411PM10 Precursors7/3/20064/12/2007, 72 FR 18394
Chapter 5: [Reserved]
Chapter 6: [Reserved]
Chapter 7: [Reserved]
Chapter 8: Actual PALS
Reg. 31.801Applicability7/3/20064/12/2007, 72 FR 18394
Reg. 31.802Definitions7/3/20064/12/2007, 72 FR 18394
Reg. 31.803Permit Application Requirements7/3/20064/12/2007, 72 FR 18394
Reg. 31.804General Requirements for Establishing PALs7/3/20064/12/2007, 72 FR 18394
Reg. 31.805Public Participation Requirement for PALs7/3/20064/12/2007, 72 FR 18394
Reg. 31.806Setting the 10-year Actuals PAL Level7/3/20064/12/2007, 72 FR 18394
Reg. 31.807Contents of the PAL Permit7/3/20064/12/2007, 72 FR 18394
Reg. 31.808Reopening of the PAL Permit7/3/20064/12/2007, 72 FR 18394
Reg. 31.809PAL Effective Period7/3/20064/12/2007, 72 FR 18394
Reg. 31.810Expiration of a PAL7/3/20064/12/2007, 72 FR 18394
Reg. 31.811Renewal of a PAL7/3/20064/12/2007, 72 FR 18394
Reg. 31.812Increasing a PAL During the PAL Effective Period7/3/20064/12/2007, 72 FR 18394
Reg. 31.813Monitoring Requirements for PALs7/3/20064/12/2007, 72 FR 18394
Reg. 31.814Recordkeeping Requirements7/3/20064/12/2007, 72 FR 18394
Reg. 31.815Reporting and Notification Requirements7/3/20064/12/2007, 72 FR 18394
Reg. 31.816Transition Requirements7/3/20064/12/2007, 72 FR 18394
Chapter 9: Effective Date
Reg. 31.901Effective Date7/3/20064/12/2007, 72 FR 18394
Regulation No. 9: Fee Regulation
Chapter 1Title7/9/20124/30/2015, 80 FR 24216
Chapter 2Definitions7/9/20124/30/2015, 80 FR 24216The following definitions do not relate to the air program and are not being approved into the SIP: “Category”, “Certificate”, “Confined Animal Operation”, “Discretionary Major Facility”, “Evaluation”, “Laboratory“, “Major Municipal Facility”, “Non-Municipal Major Facility”, “Parameter”, “Program”.
Chapter 3Permit Fee Payment7/9/20124/30/2015, 80 FR 24216
Chapter 5Air Permit Fees7/9/20124/30/2015, 80 FR 24216
Chapter 9Administrative Procedures7/9/20124/30/2015, 80 FR 24216
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