Identification of plan.

§ 52.1620 Identification of plan.

(a) Purpose and scope. This section sets forth the applicable State Implementation Plan (SIP) for New Mexico under section 110 of the Clean Air Act, 42 U.S.C. 7401, and 40 CFR part 51 to meet national ambient air quality standards.

(b) Incorporation by reference. (1) Material listed in paragraphs (c) and (d) of this section with an EPA approval date prior to July 1, 1999, was approved for incorporation by reference by the Director of the Federal Register in accordance with 5 U.S.C. 552(a) and 1 CFR part 51. Material is incorporated as it exists on the date of the approval, and notice of any change in the material will be published in the Federal Register. Entries in paragraphs (c) and (d) of this section with EPA approval dates after July 1, 1999, will be incorporated by reference in the next update to the SIP compilation.

(2) EPA Region 6 certifies that the rules/regulations provided by EPA in the SIP compilation at the addresses in paragraph (b)(3) are an exact duplicate of the officially promulgated State rules/regulations which have been approved as part of the State implementation plan as of July 1, 1999.

(3) Copies of the materials incorporated by reference may be inspected at or the Environmental Protection Agency, Region 6, 1201 Elm Street, Suite 500, Dallas, Texas 75270-2102. If you wish to obtain material from the EPA Regional Office, please call (800) 887-6063 or (214) 665-2760.

(c) EPA approved regulations.

EPA Approved New Mexico Regulations

State citation Title/subject State approval/effective date EPA approval date Comments
New Mexico Administrative Code (NMAC) Title 20—Environment Protection Chapter 2—Air Quality
Part 1General Provisions1/23/20157/24/2015, 80 FR 43966
Part 2Definitions8/31/20091/26/2015, 80 FR 3884The following definitions are state specific and are not being approved into the SIP:
G. “Carbon dioxide”
M. “Greenhouse gas”
O. “Hydrofluorocarbons”
S. “Methane”
V. “Nitrous oxide”
AA. “Perfluorocarbons”
AN. “Sulfur hexafluoride”
Part 3Ambient Air Quality Standards11/16/20189/18/2019, 84 FR 49057
Part 5Source Surveillance11/30/19959/26/1997, 62 FR 50514
Part 7Excess Emissions7/10/2008, 10/13/20169/14/2009, 74 FR 46910,
3/3/2023, 88 FR 13320
Sections NMAC, NMAC, NMAC, NMAC, NMAC, NMAC, and NMAC are no longer in SIP, 3/3/2023.
Part 8Emissions Leaving New Mexico11/30/19959/26/1997, 62 FR 50514
Part 10Woodwaste Burners11/30/19959/26/1997, 62 FR 50514
Part 11Asphalt Process Equipment11/30/19959/26/1997, 62 FR 50514
Part 13Gypsum Processing Plants11/30/19959/26/1997, 62 FR 50514
Part 14Particulate Emissions From Coal Burning Equipment11/30/19959/26/1997, 62 FR 50514
Part 15Pumice, Mica and Perlite Process Equipment11/30/19959/26/1997, 62 FR 50514
Part 16Nonferrous Smelters (New and Existing)-Particulate Matter11/30/19959/26/1997, 62 FR 50514
Part 17Nonferrous Smelters (Existing)-Particulate Matter11/30/19959/26/1997, 62 FR 50514
Part 18Oil Burning Equipment-Particulate Matter11/30/19959/26/1997, 62 FR 50514
Part 19Potash, Salt, or Sodium Sulfate Processing Equipment-Particulate Matter11/30/19959/26/1997, 62 FR 50514
Part 21Fugitive Particulate Matter Emissions from Nonferrous Smelters11/30/19959/26/1997, 62 FR 50514
Part 22Fugitive Particulate Matter Emissions from Roads within the Town of Hurley11/30/19959/26/1997, 62 FR 50514
Part 30Kraft Mills11/30/19959/26/1997, 62 FR 50514
Part 31Coal Burning Equipment-Sulfur Dioxide11/30/19959/26/1997, 62 FR 50514
Part 32Coal Burning Equipment-Nitrogen Dioxide11/30/19959/26/1997, 62 FR 50514
Part 33Gas Burning Equipment-Nitrogen Dioxide11/30/19959/26/1997, 62 FR 50514
Part 34Oil Burning Equipment-Nitrogen Dioxide11/30/19959/26/1997, 62 FR 50514
Part 40Sulfuric Acid Production Units-Sulfur Dioxide, Acid Mist and Visible Emissions11/30/19959/26/1997, 62 FR 50514
Part 41Nonferrous Smelters-Sulfur11/30/19959/26/1997, 62 FR 50514
Part 60Open Burning12/31/200311/27/2012, 77 FR 70693
Part 61Smoke and Visible Emissions11/30/19959/26/1997, 62 FR 50514
Part 65Smoke Management12/31/200311/27/2012, 77 FR 70693
Part 66Cotton Gins4/7/20056/13/2012, 77 FR 35273
Part 72Construction Permits9/6/20063/11/2013, 78 FR 15296The SIP includes NMED's letter dated 11/7/2012, which commits the NMED Air Quality Bureau to providing notification on the NMED's website of all second 30-day public comment periods provided for under paragraph B of NOT in SIP: the definitions of “Accelerated review”, “Affiliate”, “Conflict of interest”, “Interested party” and “Qualified outside firm” in; subsection (B)(15) of; subsection (H) of;;; and References to 20.2.77, 20.2.78, and 20.2.82 are approved for Part 72 only; underlying and related regulations for referred Parts NOT in SIP.
Part 73Notice of Intent and Emissions Inventory Requirements7/6/201111/27/2012, 77 FR 70693
Part 74Permits—Prevention of Significant Deterioration7/11/20147/14/2015, 80 FR 40915Revisions to NMAC submitted 1/8/2013, effective 2/6/2913, are NOT part of SIP. NMAC submitted 5/23/2011, effective 6/3/2011, remains SIP approved.
Part 75Construction Permit Fees11/30/199511/25/1997, 62 FR 50514
Part 75Construction Permit Fees12/1/20033/29/2012, 77 FR 18923NOT in SIP: subsection (B) of and subsection (D) of
References to 20.2.70, 20.2.71,, 20.2.77, 20.2.78, 20.2.82, and 20.2.X are approved for Part 75 only; underlying and related regulations for referred Parts NOT in SIP.
Part 79Permits—Nonattainment Areas8/21/202111/16/2022, 87 FR 68632
Part 80Stack Heights11/30/19959/26/1997, 62 FR 50514
Part 81Western Backstop Sulfur Dioxide Trading Program7/6/201111/27/2012, 77 FR 70693
Part 99—Transportation Conformity Agency7/11/20146/18/2015, 80 FR 34835, 80 FR 34835 Authority7/11/20146/18/2015, 80 FR 34835, 80 FR 34835 Date7/11/20146/18/2015, 80 FR 34835, 80 FR 34835, 80 FR 34835, 80 FR 34835, 80 FR 34835, 80 FR 34835 Roles in Consultation7/11/20146/18/2015, 80 FR 34835 Responsibilities in Consultation7/11/20146/18/2015, 80 FR 34835 Consultation Procedures7/11/20146/18/2015, 80 FR 34835 Procedures for Specific Major Activities7/11/20146/18/2015, 80 FR 34835 Procedures for Specific Routine Activities7/11/20146/18/2015, 80 FR 34835 Procedures for Routine Activities7/11/20146/18/2015, 80 FR 34835 Resolution and Appeals to the Governor7/11/20146/18/2015, 80 FR 34835 Consultation Procedures7/11/20146/18/2015, 80 FR 34835 of Design Concept and Scope and Project-Level Mitigation and Control Measures7/11/20146/18/2015, 80 FR 34835 Provision7/11/20146/18/2015, 80 FR 34835
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