Identification of plan.

§ 52.1270 Identification of plan.

(a) Purpose and scope. This section sets forth the applicable State implementation plan for Mississippi under section 110 of the Clean Air Act, 42 U.S.C. 7401–7671q and 40 CFR part 51 to meet national ambient air quality standards.

(b) Incorporation by reference. (1) Material listed in paragraph (c) of this section with an EPA approval date prior to December 19, 2022, for Mississippi was approved for incorporation by reference by the Director of the Federal Register in accordance with 5 U.S.C. 552(a) and 1 CFR part 51. Material is incorporated as it exists on the date of the approval and notice of any change in the material will be published in the Federal Register. Entries in paragraph (c) of this section with EPA approval dates after December 19, 2022, for Mississippi will be incorporated by reference in the next update to the SIP compilation.

(2) EPA Region 4 certifies that the rules/regulations provided by EPA in the SIP compilation at the addresses in paragraph (b)(3) of this section are an exact duplicate of the officially promulgated State rules/regulations which have been approved as part of the State Implementation Plan as of the dates referenced in paragraph (b)(1) of this section.

(3) Copies of the materials incorporated by reference may be inspected at the Region 4 EPA Office at 61 Forsyth Street SW, Atlanta, GA 30303. To obtain the material, please call (404) 562–9022. You may inspect the material with an EPA approval date prior to December 19, 2022, for Mississippi at the National Archives and Records Administration (NARA). For information on the availability of this material at NARA email or go to

(c) EPA-Approved Mississippi laws and regulations.

Table 1 to Paragraph (c)—EPA-Approved Mississippi Laws and Regulations

State citation Title/subject State effective date EPA approval date Explanation
11 MAC Part 1—Chapter 5 Mississippi Environmental Quality Permit Board: Regulations Regarding Administrative Procedures Pursuant to the Mississippi Administrative Procedures Act
Rule 5.1Description of Mississippi Environmental Quality Permit Board5/11/201810/4/2018, 83 FR 50014
11 MAC Part 2—Chapter 1 Air Emission Regulations for the Prevention, Abatement, and Control of Air Contaminants
Rule 1.1General6/25/201810/4/2018, 83 FR 50014Except paragraphs (C)(1) and (2), which EPA has not approved into the SIP.
Rule 1.2Definitions7/25/20132/21/2020, 85 FR 10070Except the definition of “Air Quality Action Day,” which EPA has not approved into the SIP.
Rule 1.3Specific Criteria for Sources of Particulate Matter7/25/20132/21/2020, 85 FR 10070Except paragraph (G)(4), which is state effective February 9, 2009, and paragraph (G)(5), which is not approved into the SIP.
Rule 1.4Specific Criteria for Sources of Sulfur Compounds7/25/20132/21/2020, 85 FR 10070
Rule 1.5Specific Criteria for Sources of Chemical Emissions7/25/20132/21/2020, 85 FR 10070
Rule 1.6New Sources7/25/20132/21/2020, 85 FR 10070Except paragraphs (2) and (3), which EPA has not approved into the SIP.
Rule 1.7Exceptions7/25/20132/21/2020, 85 FR 10070
Rule 1.9Stack Height Considerations7/25/20132/21/2020, 85 FR 10070
Rule 1.10Provisions for Upsets, Startups, and Shutdowns12/10/201611/18/2022, 87 FR 69177Except for Rule 1.10.A and 1.10.B(3).
Rule 1.11Severability7/25/20132/21/2020, 85 FR 10070
Rule 1.14Provision for the Clean Air Interstate Rule7/25/20132/21/2020, 85 FR 10070
11 MAC Part 2—Chapter 2 Permit Regulations for the Construction and/or Operation of Air Emissions Equipment
Rule 2.1General Requirements7/25/20132/21/2020, 85 FR 10070
Rule 2.2General Standards Applicable to All Permits7/25/20132/21/2020, 85 FR 10070
Rule 2.3Application for Permit To Construct and State Permit To Operate New Stationary Source7/25/20132/21/2020, 85 FR 10070
Rule 2.4Public Participation and Public Availability of Information7/25/20132/21/2020, 85 FR 10070
Rule 2.5Application Review7/25/20132/21/2020, 85 FR 10070
Rule 2.6Compliance Testing7/25/20132/21/2020, 85 FR 10070
Rule 2.7Emissions Evaluation Report7/25/20132/21/2020, 85 FR 10070
Rule 2.8Procedures for Renewal of State Permit To Operate7/25/20132/21/2020, 85 FR 10070
Rule 2.9Reporting and Recordkeeping7/25/20132/21/2020, 85 FR 10070
Rule 2.10Emission Reduction Schedule7/25/20132/21/2020, 85 FR 10070
Rule 2.11General Permits7/25/20132/21/2020, 85 FR 10070
Rule 2.12Multi-Media Permits7/25/20132/21/2020, 85 FR 10070
Rule 2.13Exclusions7/25/20132/21/2020, 85 FR 10070
Rule 2.14CAFOs7/25/20132/21/2020, 85 FR 10070
Rule 2.15Options7/25/20132/21/2020, 85 FR 10070
Rule 2.16Permit Transfer7/25/20132/21/2020, 85 FR 10070
Rule 2.17Severability7/25/20132/21/2020, 85 FR 10070
11 MAC Part 2—Chapter 3 Regulations for the Prevention of Air Pollution Emergency Episodes
Rule 3.1General7/25/20132/21/2020, 85 FR 10070
Rule 3.2Definitions7/25/20132/21/2020, 85 FR 10070
Rule 3.3Episode Criteria7/25/20132/21/2020, 85 FR 10070
Rule 3.4Emission Control Action Programs7/25/20132/21/2020, 85 FR 10070
Rule 3.5Emergency Orders7/25/20132/21/2020, 85 FR 10070Except the removal of language from the “Emergency” level for coal or oil-fired process steam generating facilities under Rule 3.5, Table 1, Section 2, which is state effective June 3, 1988.
11 MAC Part 2—Chapter 5 Regulations for the Prevention of Significant Deterioration of Air Quality
Rule 5.1Purpose of this Regulation5/28/20168/8/2017, 82 FR 37015
Rule 5.2Adoption of Federal Rules by Reference5/28/20169/16/2020, 85 FR 57707The version of Rule 5.2 in the SIP does not incorporate by reference the provisions at § 52.21(b)(2)(v) and (b)(3)(iii)(c) that were stayed indefinitely by the Fugitive Emissions Interim Rule (published in the Federal Register March 30, 2011).
11 MAC Part 2–11 Regulations for Ambient Air Quality Nonattainment Areas
Rule 11.1General9/26/20151/12/2016, 81 FR 1321
Rule 11.2Definitions9/26/20151/12/2016, 81 FR 1321
Rule 11.3Emissions Statement9/26/20151/12/2016, 81 FR 1321
Mississippi State Constitution
Article 4 Section 109Interest of Public Officers in Contracts9/27/20124/8/2013, 78 FR 20795
Mississippi Code
Section 25–4–25Persons required to file statement of economic interest9/27/20124/8/2013, 78 FR 20795
Section 25–4–27Contents of statement of economic interest9/27/20124/8/2013, 78 FR 20795
Section 25–4–29Filing dates for statements9/27/20124/8/2013, 78 FR 20795
Section 25–4–101Declaration of public policy9/27/20124/8/2013, 78 FR 20795
Section 25–4–103Definitions9/27/20124/8/2013, 78 FR 20795
Section 25–4–105Certain actions, activities and business relationships prohibited or authorized; contracts in violation of section voidable; penalties9/27/20124/8/2013, 78 FR 20795
Section 49–2–5Commission on Environmental Quality7/1/201610/4/2018, 83 FR 50014
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