Identification of Plan.

§ 62.1500 Identification of Plan.

(a) Identification of Plan. Connecticut Plan for the Control of Designated Pollutants from Existing Plants (section 111(d) Plan).

(b) The plan was officially submitted as follows:

(1) Plan for Implementing the Municipal Waste Combustor Guidelines and New Source Performance Standards, submitted on October 1, 1999.

(2) Revisions to Plan for Implementing the Municipal Waste Combustor Guidelines and New Source Performance Standards, submitted by the Connecticut Department of Environmental Protection on October 15, 2001 and including Connecticut DEP's revised regulation 22a-174-38. Certain provisions of the revised regulation 22a-174-38 submitted with the MWC Plan are stricken from the regulatory text. The stricken provisions include standards for MWC units constructed after September 20, 1994, more stringent mercury emission standards, and shutdown provisions for mass burn refractory MWC units.

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