How will allowable increases be determined?

§ 57.3202 How will allowable increases be determined?

(a) The Secretary is responsible for increases in tuition and other educational costs only if the same increase is charged to all students in the same category (for example, the same class year or place of residence) and without regard to whether the student is receiving support under the scholarship programs. A student participating in the scholarship programs may not be denied eligibility because of this participation for any discounts or rebates in tuition or other educational costs given to all other students in the same category at the institution.

(b) Institutions whose enrollment contains 25 percent or more students participating in the scholarship programs, and whose percentage increase in tuition and other educational costs in any school year exceeds the previous calendar year's average inflation rate as indicated by the Consumer Price Index for All Urban Areas, may be requested to provide the Secretary with detailed cost breakdowns justifying the increase.

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