How is this part organized?

§ 19.25 How is this part organized?

(a) This part is subdivided into ten subparts. Each subpart contains information related to a broad topic or specific audience with special responsibilities, as shown in the following table:

In subpart . . . You will find provisions related to . . .
Ageneral information about this rule.
Bthe types of Department of the Treasury transactions that are covered by the Governmentwide nonprocurement suspension and debarment system.
Cthe responsibilities of persons who participate in covered transactions.
Dthe responsibilities of Department of the Treasury officials who are authorized to enter into covered transactions.
Ethe responsibilities of Federal agencies for the Excluded Parties List System (Disseminated by the General Services Administration).
Fthe general principles governing suspension, debarment, voluntary exclusion and settlement.
Gsuspension actions.
Hdebarment actions.
Idefinitions of terms used in this part.
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