How must I label and identify the engines and equipment I produce?

§ 1060.135 How must I label and identify the engines and equipment I produce?

The labeling requirements of this section apply for all equipment manufacturers that are required to certify their equipment or use certified fuel-system components. Note that engine manufacturers are also considered equipment manufacturers if they install a complete fuel system on an engine. See § 1060.137 for the labeling requirements that apply separately for fuel lines, fuel tanks, and other fuel-system components.

(a) At the time of manufacture, you must affix a permanent and legible label identifying each engine or piece of equipment. The label must be—

(1) Attached in one piece so it is not removable without being destroyed or defaced.

(2) Secured to a part of the engine or equipment needed for normal operation and not normally requiring replacement.

(3) Durable and readable for the equipment's entire life.

(4) Written in English.

(5) Readily visible in the final installation. It may be under a hinged door or other readily opened cover. It may not be hidden by any cover attached with screws or any similar designs. Labels on marine vessels (except personal watercraft) must be visible from the helm.

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