How may grant funds be used?

§ 2516.200 How may grant funds be used?

Funds under a school-based service learning grant may be used for the purposes described in this section.

(a) Planning and capacity-building. (1) A State, Indian Tribe, or community-based entity may use funds to pay for planning and building its capacity to implement school-based service-learning programs. These entities may use funds either directly or through subgrants or contracts with qualified organizations.

(2) Authorized activities include the following:

(i) Providing training for teachers, supervisors, personnel from community-based agencies (particularly with regard to the utilization of participants) and trainers, conducted by qualified individuals or organizations experienced in service-learning.

(ii) Developing service-learning curricula, consistent with State or local academic content standards, to be integrated into academic programs, including the age-appropriate learning components for students to analyze and apply their service experiences.

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