How healthcare compliance professionals can prepare their data for litigation

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Every day, advancing technology—including telemedicine, wearable devices, and artificial intelligence (AI)—reshapes patient care. These new tools generate new forms of data, which—when combined with automated processes and paperless environments—make daily operations more efficient. But there’s a downside: healthcare organizations are now creating and storing so much data that they can easily become overwhelmed by the data challenges of litigation.

Those challenges are apparent early on—in the discovery phase—when parties on both sides have to identify, organize, and share information that may be relevant to the issues in dispute. Healthcare compliance professionals need to know how to manage various complex forms of data, track the locations in which that data is created and stored, and consolidate information across data silos. If compliance and legal teams cannot find a way to manage these challenges, they may put their organizations at a severe disadvantage in the rest of the litigation matter. Failing to comply with the mandates of discovery can lead to costly consequences, including fines and other sanctions.

Healthcare compliance professionals need to ensure that their organizations have the right data governance and litigation readiness strategies and tools to organize their data, integrate new data from emerging technologies, and comply with data privacy and security mandates. So, we’ve assembled a list of questions you can ask to gauge your organization’s preparedness for the data-related challenges of litigation.

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