How do I determine deterioration factors from exhaust durability testing?

§ 1039.245 How do I determine deterioration factors from exhaust durability testing?

This section describes how to determine deterioration factors, either with an engineering analysis, with pre-existing test data, or with new emission measurements. Apply these deterioration factors to determine whether your engines will meet the duty-cycle emission standards throughout the useful life as described in § 1039.240.

(a) You may ask us to approve deterioration factors for an engine family with established technology based on engineering analysis instead of testing. Engines certified to a NOX + NMHC standard or FEL greater than the Tier 3 NOX + NMHC standard described in appendix I of this part are considered to rely on established technology for gaseous emission control, except that this does not include any engines that use exhaust-gas recirculation or aftertreatment. In most cases, technologies used to meet the Tier 1 and Tier 2 emission standards would be considered to be established technology.

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