How do I demonstrate initial compliance with the standards for each of my affected facilities?

§ 60.5410b How do I demonstrate initial compliance with the standards for each of my affected facilities?

You must determine initial compliance with the standards for each affected facility using the requirements of paragraphs (a) through (k) of this section. Except as otherwise provided in this section, the initial compliance period begins on the date specified in § 60.5370b and ends no later than 1 year after that date. The initial compliance period may be less than 1 full year.

(a) Well completion standards for well affected facilities. To achieve initial compliance with the GHG and VOC standards for each well completion operation conducted at your well affected facility as required by § 60.5375b, you must comply with paragraphs (a)(1) through (4) of this section.

(1) You must submit the notification required in § 60.5420b(a)(2).

(2) You must submit the initial annual report for your well affected facility as required in § 60.5420b(b)(1) and (2).

(3) You must maintain a log of records as specified in § 60.5420b(c)(1)(i) through (iv) and (vii), as applicable, for each well completion operation conducted. If you meet the exemption at § 60.5375b(g) for wells with a GOR less than 300 scf per stock barrel of oil produced, you do not have to maintain the records in § 60.5420b(c)(1)(i) through (iv) and must maintain the record in § 60.5420b(c)(1)(vi). If you meet the exemption at § 60.5375b(h) for a well modified in accordance with § 60.5365b(a)(1)(ii) (i.e., an existing well is hydraulically refractured), you do not need to maintain the records in § 60.5420b(c)(1)(i) through (iv) and must maintain the record in § 60.5420b(c)(1)(viii).

(4) For each well completion affected facility subject to both § 60.5375b(a)(1) and (2), as an alternative to retaining the records specified in § 60.5420b(c)(1)(i) through (iv), you may maintain records in accordance with § 60.5420b(c)(1)(v).

(b) Gas well liquids unloading standards for well affected facility. To demonstrate initial compliance with the GHG and VOC standards for each gas well liquids unloading operation conducted at your gas well affected facility as required by § 60.5376b, you must comply with paragraphs (b)(1) through (4) of this section, as applicable.

(1) You must submit the initial annual report for your well affected facility as required in § 60.5420b(b)(1) and (3).

(2) If you comply by using a liquids unloading technology or technique that does not vent to the atmosphere according to § 60.5376b(a)(1), you must maintain the records specified in § 60.5420b(c)(2)(i).

(3) If you comply by using a liquids unloading technology or technique that vents to the atmosphere according to § 60.5376b(a)(2), (b) and (c), you must comply with paragraphs (b)(3)(i) and (ii) of this section.

(i) Employ best management practices to minimize venting of methane and VOC emissions as specified in § 60.5376b(c) for each gas well liquids unloading operation.

(ii) Maintain the records specified in § 60.5420b(c)(2)(ii).

(4) If you comply by using § 60.5376b(g), you must comply with paragraphs (b)(4)(i) through (vii) of this section.

(i) Reduce methane and VOC emissions by 95.0 percent or greater and as demonstrated by the requirements of § 60.5413b.

(ii) Install a closed vent system that meets the requirements of § 60.5411b(a) and (c) to capture all emissions and route all emissions to a control device that meets the conditions specified in § 60.5412b.

(iii) Conduct an initial performance test as required in § 60.5413b within 180 days after the initial gas well liquids unloading operation, or install a control device tested under § 60.5413b(d) which meets the criteria in § 60.5413b(d)(11) and (e), and comply with the continuous compliance requirements of § 60.5415b(f).

(iv) You must conduct the initial inspections required in § 60.5416b(a) and (b).

(v) You must install and operate the continuous parameter monitoring systems in accordance with § 60.5417b(a) through (i), as applicable.

(vi) You must maintain the records specified in § 60.5420b(c)(2)(iii),(c)(8) and (c)(10) through (13), as applicable and submit the reports as required by § 60.5420b(b)(11) through (13), as applicable.

(c) Associated gas well standards for well affected facility. To demonstrate initial compliance with the GHG and VOC standards for each associated gas well as required by § 60.5377b, you must comply with paragraphs (c)(1) through (3) of this section.

(1) If you comply with the requirements of § 60.5377b(a), you must maintain the records specified in § 60.5420b(c)(3)(i), (ii), and (iv).

(2) For associated gas wells that comply with § 60.5377b(f) based on a demonstration and certification that it is not feasible to comply with paragraph (a)(1), (2), (3), and (4) of this section due to technical reasons in accordance with paragraph § 60.5377b(g), you must comply with paragraphs (c)(2)(i) and (ii) of this section.

(i) Document the technical reasons why it is infeasible to route recovered associated gas into a gas gathering flow line or collection system to a sales line, use it as an onsite fuel source, use it for another useful purpose that a purchased fuel or raw material would serve, or re-inject it into the well or inject it into another well, and submit this documentation in the initial annual report.

(ii) Submit the certification as required by § 60.5377b(g).

(3) If you comply with § 60.5377b(d) or (f), you must comply with paragraphs (c)(3)(i) through (vi) of this section.

(i) Reduce methane and VOC emissions by 95.0 percent or greater and as demonstrated by the requirements of § 60.5413b.

(ii) Install a closed vent system that meets the requirements of § 60.5411b(a) and (c) to capture the associated gas and route the captured associated gas to a control device that meets the conditions specified in § 60.5412b.

(iii) Conduct an initial performance test as required in § 60.5413b within 180 days after initial startup or by May 7, 2024, whichever date is later, or install a control device tested under § 60.5413b(d) which meets the criteria in § 60.5413b(d)(11) and (e) and you must comply with the continuous compliance requirements of § 60.5415b(f).

(iv) Conduct the initial inspections required in § 60.5416b(a) and (b).

(v) Install and operate the continuous parameter monitoring systems in accordance with § 60.5417b(a) through (i), as applicable.

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