How do I calculate my facility's organic HAP emissions on a tpy basis for purposes of determining which paragraphs of § 63.5805 apply?

§ 63.5799 How do I calculate my facility's organic HAP emissions on a tpy basis for purposes of determining which paragraphs of § 63.5805 apply?

To calculate your facility's organic HAP emissions in tpy for purposes of determining which paragraphs in § 63.5805 apply to you, you must use the procedures in either paragraph (a) of this section for new facilities prior to startup, or paragraph (b) of this section for existing facilities and new facilities after startup. You are not required to calculate or report emissions under this section if you are an existing facility that does not have centrifugal casting or continuous lamination/casting operations, or a new facility that does not have any of the following operations: Open molding, centrifugal casting, continuous lamination/casting, pultrusion, SMC and BMC manufacturing, and mixing. Emissions calculation and emission reporting procedures in other sections of this subpart still apply. Calculate organic HAP emissions prior to any add-on control device, and do not include organic HAP emissions from any resin or gel coat used in operations subject to the Boat Manufacturing NESHAP, 40 CFR part 63, subpart VVVV, or from the manufacture of large parts as defined in § 63.5805(d)(2). For centrifugal casting operations at existing facilities, do not include any organic HAP emissions where resin or gel coat is applied to an open centrifugal mold using open molding application techniques. Table 1 and the Table 1 footnotes to this subpart present more information on calculating centrifugal casting organic HAP emissions. The timing and reporting of these calculations is discussed in paragraph (c) of this section.

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