Hospice program survey and enforcement procedures

42 U.S. Code § 1395i-6. Hospice program survey and enforcement procedures

(a) Surveys
(1) Frequency
Any entity that is certified as a hospice program (as defined in section 1395x(dd)(2) of this title) shall be subject to a standard survey by an appropriate State or local survey agency, or an approved accreditation agency, as determined by the Secretary, not less frequently than once every 36 months.
(2) Public transparency of survey and certification information
(A) Submission of information to the Secretary
(i) In general
Each State or local survey agency, and each national accreditation body with respect to which the Secretary has made a finding under section 1395bb(a) of this title respecting the accreditation of a hospice program by such body, shall submit, in a form and manner, and at a time, specified by the Secretary for purposes of this paragraph, information respecting any survey or certification made with respect to a hospice program by such survey agency or body, as applicable. Such information shall include any inspection report made by such survey agency or body with respect to such survey or certification, any enforcement actions taken as a result of such survey or certification, and any other information determined appropriate by the Secretary.
(ii) Required inclusion of specified form
With respect to a survey under this subsection carried out by a national accreditation body described in clause (i) on or after October 1, 2021, information described in such clause shall include Form CMS-2567 (or a successor form), along with such additional information determined appropriate by such body.
(B) Public disclosure of information
Beginning not later than October 1, 2022, the Secretary shall publish the information submitted under subparagraph (A) on the public website of the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services in a manner that is prominent, easily accessible, readily understandable, and searchable. The Secretary shall provide for the timely update of such information so published.
(3) Consistency of surveys
Each State and the Secretary shall implement programs to measure and reduce inconsistency in the application of survey results among surveyors.
(4) Survey teams
(A) In general
In the case of a survey conducted under this subsection on or after October 1, 2021, by more than 1 individual, such survey shall be conducted by a multidisciplinary team of professionals (including a registered professional nurse).
(B) Prohibition of conflicts of interest
Beginning October 1, 2021, a State may not use as a member of a survey team under this subsection an individual who is serving (or has served within the previous 2 years) as a member of the staff of, or as a consultant to, the program surveyed respecting compliance with the requirements of section 1395x(dd) of this title or who has a personal or familial financial interest in the program being surveyed.
(C) Training
The Secretary shall provide, not later than October 1, 2021, for the comprehensive training of State and Federal surveyors, and any surveyor employed by a national accreditation body described in paragraph (2)(A)(i), in the conduct of surveys under this subsection, including training with respect to the review of written plans for providing hospice care (as described in section 1395f(a)(7)(B) of this title). No individual shall serve as a member of a survey team with respect to a survey conducted on or after such date unless the individual has successfully completed a training and testing program in survey and certification techniques that has been approved by the Secretary.
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