
§ 201.5 Grants.

To States with approved plans, grants are made each quarter for expenditures under the plan for assistance, services, training and administration. The determination as to the amount of a grant to be made to a State is based upon documents submitted by the State agency containing information required under the Act and such other pertinent facts, including title IV-A the appropriate Federal share of child support collections made by the State, as may be found necessary.

(a) Form and manner of submittal. (1) Time and place: The estimates for public assistance grants for each quarterly period must be forwarded to the regional office 45 days prior to the period of the estimate. They include a certification of State funds available and a justification statement in support of the estimates. A statement of quarterly expenditures and any necessary supporting schedules must be forwarded to the Department of Health and Human Services, Family Support Administration, not later than 30 days after the end of the quarter.

(2) Description of forms: “State Agency Expenditure Projection—Quarterly Projection by Program” represents the State agency's estimate of the total amount and the Federal share of expenditures for assistance, services, training, and administration to be made during the quarter for each of the public assistance programs under the Act. From these estimates the State and Federal shares of the total expenditures are computed. The State's computed share of total estimated expenditures is the amount of State and local funds necessary for the quarter. The Federal share is the basis for the funds to be advanced for the quarter. The State agency must also certify, on this form or otherwise, the amount of State funds (exclusive of any balance of advances received from the Federal Government) actually on hand and available for expenditure; this certification must be signed by the executive officer of the State agency submitting the estimate or a person officially designated by him, or by a fiscal officer of the State if required by State law or regulation. (A form “Certificate of Availability of State Funds for Assistance and Administration during Quarter” is available for submitting this information, but its use is optional.) If the amount of State funds (or State and local funds if localities participate in the program), shown as available for expenditures is not sufficient to cover the State's proportionate share of the amount estimated to be expended, the certification must contain a statement showing the source from which the amount of the deficiency is expected to be derived and the time when this amount is expected to be made available.

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