GHGs to report.

§ 98.252 GHGs to report.

You must report:

(a) CO2, CH4, and N2O combustion emissions from stationary combustion units and from each flare. Calculate and report the emissions from stationary combustion units under subpart C of this part (General Stationary Fuel Combustion Sources) by following the requirements of subpart C, except for emissions from combustion of fuel gas. For CO2 emissions from combustion of fuel gas, use either Equation C–5 in subpart C of this part or the Tier 4 methodology in subpart C of this part, unless either of the conditions in paragraphs (a)(1) or (2) of this section are met, in which case use either Equations C–1 or C–2a in subpart C of this part. For CH4 and N2O emissions from combustion of fuel gas, use the applicable procedures in § 98.33(c) for the same tier methodology that was used for calculating CO2 emissions. (Use the default CH4 and N2O emission factors for “Fuel Gas” in Table C–2 of this part. For Tier 3, use either the default high heat value for fuel gas in Table C–1 of subpart C of this part or a calculated HHV, as allowed in Equation C–8 of subpart C of this part.) You may aggregate units, monitor common stacks, or monitor common (fuel) pipes as provided in § 98.36(c) when calculating and reporting emissions from stationary combustion units. Calculate and report the emissions from flares under this subpart.

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