General requirements for applicable integrated plans.

§ 422.629 General requirements for applicable integrated plans.

(a) Scope. The provisions in this section and in §§ 422.630 through 422.634 set forth requirements for unified appeals and grievance processes with which applicable integrated plans must comply. Beginning January 1, 2021, these provisions apply to an applicable integrated plan in lieu of §§ 422.564, 422.566(c) and (d), and 422.568 through 422.590, and 422.618(a) and §§ 438.404 through 438.424 of this chapter; provisions governing Part B drugs in §§ 422.568(b)(2), 422.570(d)(2), 422.572(a)(2), 422.584(d)(1), 422.590(c), and 422.590(e)(2) apply to an applicable integrated plan.

(b) General process. An applicable integrated plan must create integrated processes for enrollees for integrated grievances, integrated organization determinations, and integrated reconsiderations.

(c) State flexibilities. A State may, at its discretion, implement standards for timeframes or notice requirements that are more protective for the enrollee than required by this section and §§ 422.630 through 422.634. The contract under § 422.107 must include any standards that differ from the standards set forth in this section.

(d) Evidence. The applicable integrated plan must do the following:

(1) Provide the enrollee—

(i) A reasonable opportunity, in person and in writing, to present evidence and testimony and make legal and factual arguments for integrated grievances, and integrated reconsiderations; and

(ii) Information on how evidence and testimony should be presented to the plan.

(2) Inform the enrollee of the limited time available for presenting evidence sufficiently in advance of the resolution timeframe for appeals as specified in this section if the case is being considered under an expedited timeframe for the integrated grievance or integrated reconsideration.

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