General recordkeeping and reporting provisions.

§ 63.1335 General recordkeeping and reporting provisions.

(a) Data retention. Unless otherwise specified in this subpart, the owner or operator of an affected source shall keep copies of all applicable records and reports required by this subpart for at least 5 years, as specified in paragraph (a)(1) of this section, with the exception listed in paragraph (a)(2) of this section.

(1) All applicable records shall be maintained in such a manner that they can be readily accessed. The most recent 6 months of records shall be retained on site or shall be accessible from a central location by computer or other means that provides access within 2 hours after a request. The remaining 4 and one-half years of records may be retained offsite. Records may be maintained in hard copy or computer-readable form including, but not limited to, on paper, microfilm, computer, floppy disk, magnetic tape, or microfiche.

(2) If an owner or operator submits copies of reports to the appropriate EPA Regional Office, the owner or operator is not required to maintain copies of reports. If the EPA Regional Office has waived the requirement of § 63.10(a)(4)(ii) for submittal of copies of reports, the owner or operator is not required to maintain copies of those reports.

(b) Requirements of subpart A of this part. The owner or operator of an affected source shall comply with the applicable recordkeeping and reporting requirements in subpart A of this part as specified in Table 1 of this subpart. These requirements include, but are not limited to, the requirements specified in paragraphs (b)(1) and (b)(2) of this section.

(1) Malfunction recordkeeping and reporting. (i) Records of malfunctions. The owner or operator shall keep the records specified in paragraphs (b)(1)(i)(A) through (C) of this section.

(A) In the event that an affected unit fails to meet an applicable standard, record the number of failures. For each failure record the date, time, and duration of each failure.

(B) For each failure to meet an applicable standard, record and retain a list of the affected sources or equipment, an estimate of the quantity of each regulated pollutant emitted over any emission limit, and a description of the method used to estimate the emissions.

(C) Record actions taken to minimize emissions in accordance with § 63.1310(j)(4), and any corrective actions taken to return the affected unit to its normal or usual manner of operation.

(ii) Reports of malfunctions. If a source fails to meet an applicable standard, report such events in the Periodic Report. Report the number of failures to meet an applicable standard. For each instance, report the date, time, and duration of each failure. For each failure the report must include a list of the affected sources or equipment, an estimate of the quantity of each regulated pollutant emitted over any emission limit, and a description of the method used to estimate the emissions.

(2) Application for approval of construction or reconstruction. For new affected sources, each owner or operator shall comply with the provisions in § 63.5 regarding construction and reconstruction, excluding the provisions specified in § 63.5(d)(1)(ii)(H), (d)(1)(iii), (d)(2), and (d)(3)(ii).

(c) [Reserved]

(d) Recordkeeping and documentation. Owners or operators required to keep continuous records shall keep records as specified in paragraphs (d)(1) through (10) of this section, unless an alternative recordkeeping system has been requested and approved as specified in paragraph (g) of this section, and except as provided in paragraph (h) of this section. If a monitoring plan for storage vessels pursuant to § 63.1314(a)(9) requires continuous records, the monitoring plan shall specify which provisions, if any, of paragraphs (d)(1) through (10) of this section apply. As described in § 63.1314(a)(9), certain storage vessels are not required to keep continuous records as specified in this paragraph. Owners and operators of such storage vessels shall keep records as specified in the monitoring plan required by § 63.1314(a)(9). Paragraphs (d)(8) and (d)(9) of this section specify documentation requirements.

(1) The monitoring system shall measure data values at least once every 15 minutes.

(2) The owner or operator shall record either each measured data value or block average values for 1 hour or shorter periods calculated from all measured data values during each period. If values are measured more frequently than once per minute, a single value for each minute may be used to calculate the hourly (or shorter period) block average instead of all measured values. Owners or operators of batch process vents shall record each measured data value.

(3) Daily average (or batch cycle daily average) values of each continuously monitored parameter shall be calculated for each operating day as specified in paragraphs (d)(3)(i) through (d)(3)(ii) of this section, except as specified in paragraphs (d)(6) and (d)(7) of this section.

(i) The daily average value or batch cycle daily average shall be calculated as the average of all parameter values recorded during the operating day, except as specified in paragraph (d)(7) of this section. For batch process vents, as specified in § 63.1326(e)(2)(i), only parameter values measured during those batch emission episodes, or portions thereof, in the batch cycle that the owner or operator has chosen to control shall be used to calculate the average. The calculated average shall cover a 24-hour period if operation is continuous, or the number of hours of operation per operating day if operation is not continuous.

(ii) The operating day shall be the period the owner or operator specifies in the operating permit or the Notification of Compliance Status for purposes of determining daily average values or batch cycle daily average values of monitored parameters.

(4)-(5) [Reserved]

(6) Records required when all recorded values are within the established limits. If all recorded values for a monitored parameter during an operating day are above the minimum level or below the maximum level established in the Notification of Compliance Status or operating permit, the owner or operator may record that all values were above the minimum level or below the maximum level rather than calculating and recording a daily average (or batch cycle daily average) for that operating day.

(7) Monitoring data recorded during periods identified in paragraphs (d)(7)(i) and (ii) of this section shall not be included in any average computed under this subpart. Records shall be kept of the times and durations of all such periods and any other periods during process or control device or recovery device operation when monitors are not operating.

(i) Monitoring system breakdowns, repairs, calibration checks, and zero (low-level) and high-level adjustments; or

(ii) Periods of non-operation of the affected source (or portion thereof), resulting in cessation of the emissions to which the monitoring applies.

(8) For continuous monitoring systems used to comply with this subpart, records documenting the completion of calibration checks, and records documenting the maintenance of continuous monitoring systems that are specified in the manufacturer's instructions or that are specified in other written procedures that provide adequate assurance that the equipment would reasonably be expected to monitor accurately.

(9) The owner or operator of an affected source granted a waiver under § 63.10(f) shall maintain the information, if any, specified by the Administrator as a condition of the waiver of recordkeeping or reporting requirements.

(10) For pressure relief devices in organic HAP service, keep records of the information specified in paragraphs (d)(10)(i) through (v) of this section, as applicable.

(i) A list of identification numbers for pressure relief devices that the owner or operator elects to equip with a closed-vent system and control device, subject to the provisions in § 63.1331(a)(9)(iv).

(ii) A list of identification numbers for pressure relief devices subject to the provisions in § 63.1331(a)(9)(i).

(iii) A list of identification numbers for pressure relief devices equipped with rupture disks, subject to the provisions in § 63.1331(a)(9)(ii)(B).

(iv) The dates and results of the Method 21 of 40 CFR part 60, appendix A, monitoring following a pressure release for each pressure relief device subject to the provisions in § 63.1331(a)(9)(i) and (ii). The results shall include:

(A) The background level measured during each compliance test.

(B) The maximum instrument reading measured at each piece of equipment during each compliance test.

(v) For pressure relief devices in organic HAP service subject to § 63.1331(a)(9)(iii), keep records of each pressure release to the atmosphere, including the following information:

(A) The source, nature, and cause of the pressure release.

(B) The date, time, and duration of the pressure release.

(C) The quantity of total HAP emitted during the pressure release and the calculations used for determining this quantity.

(D) The actions taken to prevent this pressure release.

(E) The measures adopted to prevent future such pressure releases.

(e) Reporting and notification. In addition to the reports and notifications required by subpart A of this part as specified in Table 1 of this subpart, the owner or operator of an affected source shall prepare and submit the reports listed in paragraphs (e)(3) through (9) of this section, as applicable. All reports required by this subpart, and the schedule for their submittal, are listed in Table 9 of this subpart.

(1) Owners and operators shall not be in violation of the reporting requirements of this subpart for failing to submit information required to be included in a specified report if the owner or operator meets the requirements in paragraphs (e)(1)(i) through (e)(1)(iii) of this section. Examples of circumstances where this paragraph may apply include information related to newly-added equipment or emission points, changes in the process, changes in equipment required or utilized for compliance with the requirements of this subpart, or changes in methods or equipment for monitoring, recordkeeping, or reporting.

(i) The information was not known in time for inclusion in the report specified by this subpart;

(ii) The owner or operator has been diligent in obtaining the information; and

(iii) The owner or operator submits a report according to the provisions of paragraphs (e)(1)(iii)(A) through (e)(1)(iii)(C) of this section.

(A) If this subpart expressly provides for supplements to the report in which the information is required, the owner or operator shall submit the information as a supplement to that report. The information shall be submitted no later than 60 days after it is obtained, unless otherwise specified in this subpart.

(B) If this subpart does not expressly provide for supplements, but the owner or operator must submit a request for revision of an operating permit pursuant to part 70 or part 71, due to circumstances to which the information pertains, the owner or operator shall submit the information with the request for revision to the operating permit.

(C) In any case not addressed by paragraph (e)(1)(iii)(A) or (e)(1)(iii)(B) of this paragraph, the owner or operator shall submit the information with the first Periodic Report, as required by this subpart, which has a submission deadline at least 60 days after the information is obtained.

(2) All reports required under this subpart shall be sent to the Administrator at the appropriate address listed in § 63.13. If acceptable to both the Administrator and the owner or operator of an affected source, reports may be submitted on electronic media.

(3) Precompliance Report. Owners or operators of affected sources requesting an extension for compliance; requesting approval to use alternative monitoring parameters, alternative continuous monitoring and recordkeeping or alternative controls; requesting approval to use engineering assessment to estimate emissions from a batch emissions episode, as described in § 63.1323(b)(6)(i)(C); or wishing to establish parameter monitoring levels according to the procedures contained in § 63.1334(c) or (d), shall submit a Precompliance Report according to the schedule described in paragraph (e)(3)(i) of this section. The Precompliance Report shall contain the information specified in paragraphs (e)(3)(ii) through (e)(3)(viii) of this section, as appropriate.

(i) Submittal dates. The Precompliance Report shall be submitted to the Administrator no later than December 19, 2000. If a Precompliance Report was submitted prior to June 19, 2000 and no changes need to be made to that Precompliance Report, the owner or operator shall re-submit the earlier report or submit notification that the previously submitted report is still valid. Unless the Administrator objects to a request submitted in the Precompliance Report within 45 days after its receipt, the request shall be deemed approved. For new affected sources, the Precompliance Report shall be submitted to the Administrator with the application for approval of construction or reconstruction required in paragraph (b)(2) of this section. Supplements to the Precompliance Report may be submitted as specified in paragraph (e)(3)(ix) of this section. To submit a Precompliance Report for the first time after the compliance date to request an extension for compliance; request approval to use alternative monitoring parameters, alternative continuous monitoring and recordkeeping or alternative controls; request approval to use engineering assessment to estimate emissions from a batch emissions episode, as described in § 63.1323(b)(6)(i)(C); or to request to establish parameter monitoring levels according to the procedures contained in § 63.1334(c) or (d), the owner or operator shall notify the Administrator at least 90 days before the planned change is to be implemented; the change shall be considered approved if the Administrator either approves the change in writing, or fails to disapprove the change in writing within 45 days of receipt.

(ii) A request for an extension for compliance, as specified in § 63.1311(e), may be submitted in the Precompliance Report. The request for a compliance extension shall include the data outlined in § 63.6(i)(6)(i)(A), (B), and (D), as required in § 63.1311(e)(1).

(iii) The alternative monitoring parameter information required in paragraph (f) of this section shall be submitted in the Precompliance Report if, for any emission point, the owner or operator of an affected source seeks to comply through the use of a control technique other than those for which monitoring parameters are specified in this subpart or in subpart G of this part or seeks to comply by monitoring a different parameter than those specified in this subpart or in subpart G of this part.

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