General public notification requirements.

§ 141.201 General public notification requirements.

Public water systems in States with primacy for the public water system supervision (PWSS) program must comply with the requirements in this subpart no later than May 6, 2002 or on the date the State-adopted rule becomes effective, whichever comes first. Public water systems in jurisdictions where EPA directly implements the PWSS program must comply with the requirements in this subpart on October 31, 2000. Prior to these dates, public water systems must continue to comply with the public notice requirements in § 141.32 of this part. The term “primacy agency” is used in this subpart to refer to either EPA or the State or the Tribe in cases where EPA, the State, or the Tribe exercises primary enforcement responsibility for this subpart.

(a) Who must give public notice? Each owner or operator of a public water system (community water systems, non-transient non-community water systems, and transient non-community water systems) must give notice for all violations of national primary drinking water regulations (NPDWR) and for other situations, as listed in Table 1. The term “NPDWR violations” is used in this subpart to include violations of the maximum contaminant level (MCL), maximum residual disinfection level (MRDL), treatment technique (TT), monitoring requirements, and testing procedures in this part 141. Appendix A to this subpart identifies the tier assignment for each specific violation or situation requiring a public notice.

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