General provisions.

§ 613.1 General provisions.

This part sets forth the National Science Foundation procedures under the Privacy Act of 1974. The rules in this part apply to all records in systems of records maintained by NSF that are retrieved by an individual's name or personal identifier. They describe the procedures by which individuals, as defined in the Privacy Act, may request access to records about themselves and request amendment or correction of those records. All Privacy Act requests for access to records are also processed under the Freedom of Information Act, 5 U.S.C. 552 (as provided in part 612 of this chapter), which gives requesters the benefit of both statutes. Notice of systems of records maintained by the National Science Foundation are published in the Federal Register. This part also includes regulations required by the Social Security Fraud Prevention Act of 2017 to limit the use of Social Security numbers on documents mailed by the National Science Foundation (NSF or Foundation).

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