General provisions.

§ 1036.701 General provisions.

(a) You may average, bank, and trade (ABT) emission credits for purposes of certification as described in this subpart and in subpart B of this part to show compliance with the standards of §§ 1036.104 and 1036.108. Participation in this program is voluntary. Note that certification to NOX standards in § 1036.104 is based on a family emission limit (FEL) and certification to CO2 standards in § 1036.108 is based on a Family Certification Level (FCL). This part refers to “FEL/FCL” to simultaneously refer to FELs for NOX and FCLs for CO2. Note also that subpart B of this part requires you to assign an FCL to all engine families, whether or not they participate in the ABT provisions of this subpart.

(b) The definitions of subpart I of this part apply to this subpart in addition to the following definitions:

(1) Actual emission credits means emission credits you have generated that we have verified by reviewing your final report.

(2) Averaging set means a set of engines in which emission credits may be exchanged. See § 1036.740.

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