General definitions.

§ 70.1 General definitions.

As used in this part, terms shall have the following meaning:

Airline means any air carrier or foreign air carrier providing air transportation as that term is defined in 49 U.S.C. 40102(a)(2), (a)(5), and (a)(21).

Apprehension means the temporary taking into custody of an individual or group for purposes of determining whether Federal quarantine, isolation, or conditional release is warranted.

CDC means the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, Department of Health and Human Services.

Communicable diseases means illnesses due to infectious agents or their toxic products, which may be transmitted from a reservoir to a susceptible host either directly as from an infected person or animal or indirectly through the agency of an intermediate plant or animal host, vector, or the inanimate environment.

Communicable period means the period or periods during which the etiologic agent may be transferred directly or indirectly from the body of the infected person or animal to the body of another.

Communicable stage means the stage during which an infectious agent may be transmitted either directly or indirectly from an infected individual to another individual.

Conditional release means the temporary supervision by a public health official (or designee) of an individual or group, who may have been exposed to a quarantinable communicable disease to determine the risk of disease spread and includes public health supervision through in-person visits, telephone, or through electronic or Internet-based monitoring.

Contaminated environment means the presence of an infectious agent on a surface, including on inanimate articles, or in a substance, including food, water, or in the air.

Conveyance means an aircraft, train, road vehicle, vessel (as defined in this section) or other means of transport, including military.

Director means the Director, Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, Department of Health and Human Services, or another authorized representative as approved by the CDC Director or the Secretary of HHS.

Electronic or Internet-based monitoring means mechanisms or technologies allowing for the temporary public health supervision of an individual under conditional release and may include communication through electronic mail, SMS texts, video or audio conference, webcam technologies, integrated voice-response systems, entry of information into a Web-based forum, wearable tracking technologies, and other mechanisms or technologies as determined by the Director or supervising health authority.

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