General compliance, reporting, and recordkeeping provisions.

§ 63.103 General compliance, reporting, and recordkeeping provisions.

(a) Table 3 of this subpart specifies the provisions of subpart A that apply and those that do not apply to owners and operators of sources subject to subparts F, G, and H of this part.

(b) Initial performance tests and initial compliance determinations shall be required only as specified in subparts G and H of this part.

(1) Performance tests and compliance determinations shall be conducted according to the schedule and procedures in § 63.7(a) of subpart A of this part and the applicable sections of subparts G and H of this part.

(2) The owner or operator shall notify the Administrator of the intention to conduct a performance test at least 30 calendar days before the performance test is scheduled to allow the Administrator the opportunity to have an observer present during the test.

(3) Performance tests shall be conducted according to the provisions of § 63.7(e) of subpart A of this part, except that performance tests shall be conducted at maximum representative operating conditions for the process. During the performance test, an owner or operator may operate the control or recovery device at maximum or minimum representative operating conditions for monitored control or recovery device parameters, whichever results in lower emission reduction.

(4) Data shall be reduced in accordance with the EPA-approved methods specified in the applicable subpart or, if other test methods are used, the data and methods shall be validated according to the protocol in Method 301 of appendix A of this part.

(5) Performance tests may be waived with approval of the Administrator as specified in § 63.7(h)(2) of subpart A of this part. Owners or operators of sources subject to subparts F, G, and H of this part who apply for a waiver of a performance test shall submit the application by the dates specified in paragraph (b)(5)(i) of this section rather than the dates specified in § 63.7(h)(3) of subpart A of this part.

(i) If a request is made for an extension of compliance under § 63.151(a)(6) of subpart G or § 63.6(i) of subpart A of this part, the application for a waiver of an initial performance test shall accompany the information required for the request for an extension of compliance. If no extension of compliance is requested, the application for a waiver of an initial performance test shall be submitted no later than 90 calendar days before the Notification of Compliance Status required in § 63.152(b) of subpart G of this part is due to be submitted.

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