Four New Hires Will Be Needed to Lead Misconduct Oversight Agency

The HHS Office of the Assistant Secretary for Health now has a fourth position at the Office of Research Integrity to fill, as ORI’s deputy director has been tapped for a new position within OASH itself.

Of the agencies within OASH, ORI and the Office for Human Research Protections are the two with which research compliance officials are most familiar.

ORI enforces research integrity regulations that prohibit fabrication, falsification and plagiarism in billions of dollars of studies funded by NIH and other Public Health Service agencies and provides related educational programs. ORI has been roiled by turnover and strife since the December 2015 arrival of Kathy Partin as director. After a year-long detail at a position outside HHS, Partin became NIH’s research integrity officer in December of last year (“Top Three ORI Positions Vacant After Embattled Director Moves to NIH,” RRC E-Alert, Oct. 4, 2018).

Scott Moore, hired by Partin as her deputy in 2016, will be moving later this month to a position as director of the Office of Grants Management in OASH (not to be confused with grants positions within NIH). Moore was an investigative scientist in the National Science Foundation Office of Inspector General prior to joining ORI.

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