Final settlement.

§ 417.576 Final settlement.

(a) General rule. Final settlement and payment of amounts due the HMO or CMP or the appropriate Medicare trust funds are made following the HMO's or CMP's submission and CMS's review of an independently certified cost report and supporting documents as described in paragraph (b) of this section.

(b) Certified cost report as basis for final settlement—(1) Timing of cost report. The HMO or CMP must submit to CMS an independently certified cost report and supporting documents, in the form and detail required by CMS, no later than 180 days after the end of each contract period, unless CMS extends the period for good cause shown by the HMO or CMP.

(2) Content of cost report. The cost report and supporting documents must include the following:

(i) The per capita costs incurred in furnishing covered services to its Medicare enrollees, determined in accordance with subpart O of this part and including—

(A) The costs incurred by entities related to the HMO or CMP by common ownership or control; and

(B) For reports for cost-reporting periods that begin on or after January 1, 1996, the costs of hospital and SNF services paid by Medicare's intermediaries under the option provided by § 417.532(d).

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