Filing and service of papers by parties: Form of papers; manner and proof of filing or service.

§ 102.5 Filing and service of papers by parties: Form of papers; manner and proof of filing or service.

(a) Form of papers to be filed. All papers filed with the Board, General Counsel, Regional Director, Administrative Law Judge, or Hearing Officer must be typewritten or otherwise legibly duplicated on 8 1⁄2 by 11-inch plain white paper, and must have margins no less than one inch on all four sides. Page numbers may be placed in the margins, but no text may appear there. Typeface that is single-spaced must not contain more than 10.5 characters per inch, and proportionally-spaced typeface must be 12 point or larger, for both text and footnotes. Condensed text is not permitted. The text must be double-spaced, but headings and footnotes may be single-spaced, and quotations more than two lines long may be indented and single-spaced. Case names must be italicized or underlined. Where any brief filed with the Board exceeds 20 pages, it must contain a subject index with page references and an alphabetical table of cases and other authorities cited.

(b) Requests to exceed the page limits. Requests for permission to exceed the page limits for documents filed with the Board must state the reasons for the requests. Unless otherwise specified, such requests must be filed not less than 10 days prior to the date the document is due.

(c) E-Filing with the Agency. Unless otherwise permitted under this section, all documents filed in cases before the Agency must be filed electronically (“E-Filed”) on the Agency's Web site ( by following the instructions on the Web site. The Agency's Web site also contains certain forms that parties or other persons may use to prepare their documents for E-Filing. If the document being E-Filed is required to be served on another party to a proceeding, the other party must be served by email, if possible, or in accordance with paragraph (g) of this section. Unfair labor practice charges, petitions in representation proceedings, and showings of interest may be filed in paper format or E-Filed. A party who files other documents in paper format must accompany the filing with a statement explaining why the party does not have access to the means for filing electronically or why filing electronically would impose an undue burden. Notwithstanding any other provision in these Rules, if a document is filed electronically the filer need not also file a hard copy of the document, and only one copy of a document filed in hard copy should be filed. Documents may not be filed with the Agency via email without the prior approval of the receiving office.

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