Exemption provided for food or beverage service employees.

§ 779.388 Exemption provided for food or beverage service employees.

(a) A special exemption is provided in section 13(b)(18) of the Act for certain food or beverage service employees of retail or service establishments. This section excludes from the overtime pay provisions in section 7 of the Act, “any employee of a retail or service establishment who is employed primarily in connection with the preparation or offering of food or beverages for human consumption, either on the premises, or by such services as catering, banquet, box lunch, or curb or counter service, to the public, to employees, or to members or guests of members of clubs.” This is an employee exemption, intended to apply to employees engaged in the named activities for such establishments as “drug stores, department stores, bowling alleys, and the like.” (S. Rept. No. 1487, 89th Cong., second session, p. 32.)

(b) The 13(b)(18) exemption will apply only if the following two tests are met:

(1) The employee must be an employee of a retail or service establishment (as defined in section 13(a)(2) of the Act); and

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