
§ 164.81 Evidence.

(a) General. The Administrative Law Judge shall admit all relevant, competent and material evidence, except evidence that is unduly repetitious. Relevant, competent and material evidence may be received at any hearing even though inadmissible under the rules of evidence applicable to judicial proceedings. The weight to be given evidence shall be determined by its reliability and probative value. In all hearings the testimony of witnesses shall be taken orally, except as otherwise provided by these rules or by the Administrative Law Judge. Parties, however, shall have the right to cross-examine a witness who appears at the hearing, provided that such cross examination is not unduly repetitious.

(b) Report of a committee of the National Academy of Sciences. If questions have been submitted to a committee designated by the National Academy pursuant to § 164.50(e), the report of the committee, other material that may be required by the Administrator and a list of witnesses and evidence relied upon shall be received into evidence and made part of the record of the hearing. Objections to the report may also be made part of the record and go to the weight of its evidentiary value.

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