
  1. Ethics, Compliance and Organizational Behavior: Where is the Link?

    2022 SCCE Webinar  | April 28, 2022 

    • Get to know the basics of compliance management, compliance programs, and ethics.

    • Learn about organizational behavior principles.

    • Get to understand connections between compliance, ethics, and organizational behavior.

    • Learn tips on effective compliance management and organizational issues

  2. Common Challenges to Internal Compliance Investigations and how to Deal with Them

    2022 SCCE Webinar  | April 26, 2022 

    • Understand what an internal investigation is and its origination.

    • Learn how to identify when to conduct an internal investigation.

    • How to appropriately scope the internal investigation.

    • Learn common challenges that arise before, during, and after an internal investigation.

    • Apply learnings to a vignette throughout the webinar.

  3. Privacy, Security and Breach Notification Rule

    2022 HCCA Webinar  | April 20, 2022 

    • Privacy updates during the public health emergency.

    • Notification of Enforcement Discretion on Telehealth Remote Communications.

    • Guidance of Disclosures to Law Enforcement, Other First Responders, and Public Health Authorities.

    • Notification of Enforcement Discretion on BA Uses & Disclosures for Public Health and Health Oversight, Community-Based Testing Sites.

    • OCR Breach Highlights and Recent Enforcement Activity.

    • Right of Access Initiative.

    • Recurring HIPAA Compliance Issues. Corrective Action and Best Practices.

    • Professional Resources.

  4. The Current Status of the Information Blocking Rule

    2022 HCCA Webinar  | April 19, 2022 

    • Identify the elements of information blocking.

    • Analyze Information Blocking Rule requirements on patient portals, APIs, and third party record requests.

    • Determine to what extent a practice is information blocking if an actor believes it to be reasonable.

    • Describe current status of enforcement of the Information Blocking Rule.

  5. Leveraging Legal and Consulting Services in Audits and Investigations

    2022 HCCA Webinar  | April 13, 2022 

    Hear from a former federal prosecutor and a national consultant:

    • How to effectively use both skills sets to assist providers.

    • Obtain tips on conducting both internal audits/investigations as well as responding to external ones.

    • Learn leading practices to help avoid or mitigate enforcement actions.

  6. Leveraging Opportunities from Pandemic to Endemic; Capitalizing on this time to inspire compliance

    2022 SCCE Webinar  | April 12, 2022 

    • Discuss the changes in business and the likely long-term implications for compliance post COVID-19 in the new endemic world.

    • Outline strategies to leverage the pandemic experience and ensure positive changes in ethics or compliance made during the pandemic stay embedded in culture long term.

    • Discuss cautionary tales as businesses transition into endemic realities and the longer-term risk impacts created by the pandemic such as inflation, supply chain disruption, higher personal and organizational debit, reorientation of priorities, and pandemic fatigue.

  7. The Role of Leadership In An Effective Ethics And Compliance Program - Why, How And What to do

    2022 SCCE Webinar  | April 11, 2022 

    • Leaders, managers, and supervisors play a key role in building and sustaining a culture of ethics and compliance and ensuring an effective ethics and compliance program.

    • Learn why leaders are so key and practical strategies for how and what you can do to engage leaders within your organization's ethics and compliance program.

    • Learn how to engage leaders, leverage their voice and use incentives to recognize leaders that set the gold standard.

  8. Creating a Modern and Compliant Record Retention Schedule

    2022 SCCE Webinar  | April 07, 2022 

    • Understand changing information environment requires a new approach to records compliance.

    • Differences between traditional and modern records retention schedule.

    • Methods of automating records management processes.

    • Creating records programs that not only reduce risk and ensure compliance, but also drive employee productivity.

  9. Research Investigations: The Direct and Indirect Effect of the COVID-19 Pandemic

    2022 HCCA Webinar  | April 04, 2022 

  10. How to Make Your Governance Initiative Stick in Times of Disruptive Change

    2022 SCCE Webinar  | March 22, 2022 

    Disruptive change can waylay even the most important strategic initiatives. From pandemics to social unrest to supply chain challenges, the past two years have brought enough disruption to topple many an initiative. This presentation will discuss best practices for futureproofing your initiative to be resilient, even during times of disruptive change. While no one can foretell what disruptions the future might bring, there are steps that can be taken today to make your initiatives resilient.

    • Real-world strategies for designing resilience into your initiatives

    • How to plan for the unplannable

    • Avoiding key mistakes that can hobble your initiative in the future

    • Case studies and other examples

  11. 10 Common Healthcare Compliance Concerns Related to Hospital/Physician Transactions

    2022 HCCA Webinar  | March 16, 2022 

    • Understand 10 common compliance concerns and challenges related to a variety of high risk hospital/physician transactions.

    • Develop risk mitigation strategies which will assist compliance officers and other leaders in developing a robust compliance work plan.

    • Understand industry best practices and common pitfalls in the various scenarios which will be presented.

  12. Bringing your Compliance Training Program to Life: Messaging, Engagement, and Creating a Sense of Shared Responsibility

    2022 SCCE Webinar  | March 14, 2022 

    • How to continuously improve your training program, leverage innovative solutions, and develop a communications strategy that fosters engagement.

    • Developing training content: tapping into internal resources and how to best work with external vendors.

    • Creating a sense of shared responsibility through training, messaging and ongoing engagement.

  13. Strategies for dealing with data protection or privacy infringement litigation from a European perspective

    2022 SCCE Webinar  | March 03, 2022 

    • Understanding what the key recent developments and trends have been, including class-action claims and smaller claims;

    • Understanding particular issues, including: no compensation without proof of harm; financial thresholds; the "kitchen-sink" approach; damages for distress; claiming against a Data Protection Representative or Data Protection Officer; extra-territorial jurisdiction; and, cookies claims;

    • Top tips for how to push back on claims - the first response is critical.

  14. Mastering Negotiation- How to Effectively Negotiate with Managed Care Insurers, and Anyone!

    2022 HCCA Webinar  | March 01, 2022 

    • Analyze the techniques used by good negotiators

    • Choose the setting and criteria for discussions, so you are best prepared for negotiations

    • Respond better to during Managed Care negotiations, by driving the discussion

    • Apply negotiating skills to practical conversations

  15. The Nascent EU Whistleblowing Regime Demystified

    2022 SCCE Webinar  | February 24, 2022 

    • Be able to sketch-out the nascent EU whistleblowing regime;

    • Gain knowledge on the minimum compliance standard set by the EU Whistle-blower Directive;

    • Learn some best practices for case governance and internal organization.

    • Become familiar with certain pitfalls of the new regime and its extraterritorial application.

    • Be able to contrast the EU regime with the US one.

  16. Simplifying Governance: The 5 Best Ways to Simplify Your Compliance Programs

    2022 SCCE Webinar  | February 23, 2022 

    • The key elements of a compliance program.

    • How to best create and manage policies.

    • Getting employee buy-in and commitment.

    • Best practices to keeping and maintaining compliance.

    • How to do more with less (automation, proper tracking, collaboration, etc).

  17. Shared/Split Visits in 2022: The Good, the Bad and the Ugly

    2022 HCCA Webinar  | February 22, 2022 

    • Identify the limited location of services for reporting shared/split visits in 2022
    • Define the "substantive portion" of a shared/split visit for proper claim submission in 2022 and in 2023

    • Understand the new compliance risks associated with billing under the shared/split visit concept.

  18. Data Privacy in Healthcare

    2022 HCCA Webinar  | February 17, 2022 

    Overview of Applicable Privacy Laws in Healthcare:

    • Healthcare Related.

    • Consumer Protection.

    • Standards.

    Seven Privacy Functions: M.I.N.D U.R.S.

    Privacy Recommendations.

  19. Current Trends and Topics in Provider Compensation Compliance

    2022 HCCA Webinar  | February 16, 2022 

    • The continued impact of COVID on benchmark survey data and the related impact on provider compensation assessments.

    • Tips for assessing the value of physician compensation in telehealth arrangements.

    • The impact of the 2022 Medicare Physician Fee Schedule on your provider compensation assessments.

    • Updates on key enforcement activities involving provider compensation.

    • APP supervision compensation.

  20. Member Exclusive: Current and future global trends in data protection and data security

    2022 SCCE Webinar  | February 10, 2022 

    • Review the current data protection laws around the world and their similarities

    • Understand the trends in data breaches, data management, regulatory investigations, and fines

    • Assess what the future of data privacy and data security looks like.

  21. You know what AI is, Learn about the ethics of AI and how the right policies can help you win

    2022 SCCE Webinar  | February 08, 2022 

    • Applying the reasonable AI solution to the right business problem with the proper stakeholder benefits in view.

    • Understanding ethical pitfalls of strictly applied AI and Machine Learning algorithms.

    • Establishing achievable and realistic principles-based policies to facilitate compliance with privacy laws.

  22. The no Surprises act turns one (month): Implementation lessons from 2021 and what to expect from 2022

    2022 HCCA Webinar  | February 07, 2022 

    • Understand the primary obligations imposed on regulated entities under the No Surprises Act regime.

    • Recognize key implementation decisions made by the Departments in regulations issued in 2021.

    • Identify critical open questions around implementation and enforcement.

  23. Clinical Validation Reviews: Trending Topics and Response Strategies

    2022 HCCA Webinar  | January 27, 2022 

    • Definition of clinical validation reviews and distinguished from DRG validation reviews.

    • Discussion of the clinical validation review process and key strategies for successfully defending diagnoses.

    • Identification of trends in clinical validation reviews.

    • Discussion of statutory, contractual, and clinical considerations for successful appeals.

  24. Challenges of Maintaining HIPAA Compliance in 2022

    2022 HCCA Webinar  | January 25, 2022 

    • What are the 8 significant challenges of maintaining HIPAA compliance?

    • What can be expected of HIPAA enforcement in 2022, a look into the crystal ball.

    • Making sure your organization is prepared for a HIPAA breach and how to respond.

  25. Hot Topics and Current Trends; HIPAA Updates and the 21st Century Cures Act Implements

    2022 HCCA Webinar  | January 19, 2022 

    • ONC Information Blocking rules as they apply to providers, payers, NIE and HIN

    • The latest HIPAA privacy and security rules and guidance issued by OCR and ONC

    • Best Practices to operationally manage privacy and security compliance

    • Operations for OIG Based Complaints