2022 Nonprofit Sector Compliance Conference

  1. What Does the Science of Educational Psychology Teach Us About Compliance Training Best Practices

    2022 Nonprofit Sector Compliance Conference  | May 24, 2022 

    Compliance training and education is one of the well-documented elements of an effective compliance program. Historically, many compliance programs threw words on a slide deck, forced people to read the material and then checked off the box.But why waste such a precious opportunity by providing substandard training? Educational psychologists study the principles of effective training and education. This session will focus on best practices learned from educational psychology. We will cover:

    • Established principles of adult education (Knowles' principles of andragogy)

    • How to design effective compliance training

    • Principles of training evaluation (Kirkpatrick's four levels of evaluation)

  2. People and Compliance: Challenges in Nonprofit Organizations

    2022 Nonprofit Sector Compliance Conference  | May 24, 2022 

    • Explore people related risks in nonprofits.

    • Share best practices.

    • Identify immediate take-a-ways

  3. Embracing Risk Leadership

    2022 Nonprofit Sector Compliance Conference  | May 24, 2022 

    • Distinguish risk leadership from risk management

    • Create a more risk-aware culture

    • Adopt a governance model that emphasizes risk leadership

  4. Hot-Button Federal Tax Issues for Nonprofits

    2022 Nonprofit Sector Compliance Conference  | May 24, 2022 

    • What are the most common and recurring UBIT pitfalls for nonprofits - and what are the best strategies for minimizing UBIT while maximizing revenues?

    • What are best practices and trends in nonprofit executive compensation?

    • Nonprofit and for-profit affiliates and subsidiaries - everything you need to know to protect the separate corporate and tax status of each member of the family

    • Private inurement and private benefit - what's the difference between them, what are the leading pitfalls, and what are practical solutions for mitigating tax risk?

  5. Fraud Risks in Nonprofit Organizations

    2022 Nonprofit Sector Compliance Conference  | May 24, 2022 

    • Identify critical fraud risks within their organizations

    • Assess the compliance risk posed by key fraud risks

    • Develop a response to mitigate fraud risk