2021 Technology and Compliance Conference

  1. Using Technology to Improve the Effectiveness of Your Compliance Program

    2021 Technology and Compliance Conference  | Presenter(s): Adam Turteltaub, Cheryl Curbeam, Katie Ignatowski  | June 24, 2021 

    • Planning and managing a project to utilize technology for a compliance program

    • Two specific case studies in how technology can be used to make a program more effective

    • Pros and cons of internal development vs. using third-party assistance

    • Efficiencies gained from using technology

  2. Building Your Ethics and Compliance Analytics Program

    2021 Technology and Compliance Conference  | Presenter(s): Andrew McBride  | June 24, 2021 

    • Developing an analytics plan: Defining who wants what and when

    • Understanding your analytics resourcing options: In-house, outsource, or both?

    • Managing risks, obstacles, and pitfalls when implementing your analytics program

  3. Compliance, Information Security, and the General Counsel: A Necessary Alliance to Fight Cyber Risks

    2021 Technology and Compliance Conference  | Presenter(s): Alan Brill, John Bennett  | June 24, 2021 

    • Why cyber risk can’t be handled by information security/CISO specialists alone

    • Why the role of compliance in cybersecurity has to change to track with risk management

    • How the evolution of risk leads to an evolution in cooperation between compliance officers, general counsel, and cybersecurity professionals

  4. Organizations at Risk: Cyber and Ransomware Attacks on the Rise

    2021 Technology and Compliance Conference  | Presenter(s): John Riggi  | June 24, 2021 

    • The types of cyber attacks which may result in the loss of sensitive data, theft of funds, interruption of operations, and compliance risk exposure

    • The latest cyber tactics and techniques used by international criminal gangs and foreign spies to penetrate organizations, steal data, and execute devastating ransomware attacks

    • The intersection of business risk, compliance, technology, and cyber risk and what the compliance officer can do to identify and mitigate cyber risk

  5. SolarWinds Attack, Cybersecurity, and Compliance (June 2021)

    2021 Technology and Compliance Conference  | Presenter(s): Matt Kelley, Daniel Ayala, Desarie Green  | June 24, 2021 

    • A review of what happened in the SolarWinds attack and how

    • The cybersecurity imperatives that will arise as a consequence of the attack and, specifically, the heightened attention around the “software supply chain”

    • What compliance officers should anticipate for third-party risk management, breach disclosure, and internal controls to avoid a repeat of such disasters

  6. What is the Future of Cybercompliance When the World Has Fragmented into Different Data Jurisdictions? (June 2021)

    2021 Technology and Compliance Conference  | Presenter(s): Nicolas Reys, Stina Connor  | June 24, 2021 

    • Understand how digital connectivity is accelerating disruptive attacks on critical infrastructure

    • Manage the implications of more protectionism in the creation and trade of software and hardware

    • Examine the impact of diverging regulatory approaches to data privacy and data security