
  1. 2023 Making Compliance and Internal Audit a Winning Doubles Team

    2023 SCCE Webinar  | April 2023 

    • Recognize that collaboration between internal audit and compliance can take place while retaining necessary independence

    • Explore how to deputize the other team to watch for emerging or existing risks

    • Discover the importance of speaking with one voice about the organization's compliance and internal audit requirements and expectations

    • Learn effective ways to collaborate on risk assessments, data analytics, and more

  2. 2023 Boards care about culture more than you think

    2023 SCCE Webinar  | April 2023 

    • What are the key challenges boards face in assessing and overseeing corporate culture?

    • How can boards and senior executives have more concrete, specific, and productive conversations about ethical culture?

    • What are effective strategies, tools, or approaches for driving more effective board oversight of culture, especially ethical culture?

    • How can ethics & compliance and HR professionals provide boards with data and information that will enable boards to more effectively oversee culture?

  3. GOAT Compliance Programs

    2023 SCCE Webinar  | April 2023 

    • How to risk rate third parties

    • How to conduct a third-party audit

    • Corruption indicators to identify during an audit

  4. Diving into the Philosophy of Ethics: A Review of Consequentialism, Deontology, Virtue Ethics & Other Frameworks

    2023 SCCE Webinar  | April 2023 

    • An exploration of the three main ethical theories: consequentialism, deontology, and virtue ethics.

    • Discussion of the strengths and weaknesses of each theory and how they can be applied in real-world situations.

    • Review of recent developments in the field of the philosophy of ethics, including the "Capabilities Approach" and the "Experimental Ethics Philosophy".

  5. Build Effective Multi-Year Programs: Plan Smart, Measure Well, Target Your Improvements

    2023 SCCE Webinar  | March 2023 

    • Focus risk areas

    • Target audiences

    • Topic frequency

    • Deployment schedule/seat time

    • Get a walkthrough of a template you can use to plot out annual training curriculums

    • Learn how other companies are embedding data collection into their ongoing initiatives to help evolve their multi-year plan over time

  6. 2023 Creating and maximizing your audit and monitoring program

    2023 SCCE Webinar  | March 2023 

    • Creating an audit and monitoring program as part of an effective compliance program.

    • When and how to use limited resources to maximize your program

    • Presenting your audit and monitoring program, including audit results, to key stakeholders.

  7. Proactive Crisis Media: How to Effectively Communicate and Manage During an Emergency

    2023 SCCE Webinar  | March 2023 

    • Learn the 5-R Framework to create (or revise) your crisis media plan to mitigate risk and protect your brand

    • How to assemble and train a core cross-functional team before an emergency hits

    • Prepare leaders for breaking news interviews and communication under the glaring media spotlight so they are seen as trustworthy and credible to the public and their internal teams/stakeholders

  8. Federal Grants: Fraud and other Compliance Issues

    2023 SCCE Webinar  | March 2023 

    • Understand the basic framework of the federal grants process and key "terms and conditions"

    • Identify the common fraud and other compliance risks inherent in most grant-funded programs

    • Recognize the key fraud prevention measures that organizations can take to mitigate fraud risks in grant funded programs

  9. How Do You Conduct an Ethical Investigation?

    2023 SCCE Webinar  | March 2023 

    • Understand the concepts of procedural justice so you can apply them to your cases.

    • Explain the safeguards each organization needs to ensure credible and defensible investigations.

    • Learn how to apply ethical principles to your whistleblower and incident-response processes.

    • Know the rights and responsibilities of the investigator, the person making the report, and the subject employee under investigation.

  10. NIL Compliance for Institutes of Higher Education

    2023 SCCE Webinar  | March 2023 

    • Understanding and interpreting existing NCAA guidance and policies concerning NIL

    • Distinguishing between permissible and impermissible activities by institution and athletic department personnel

    • Identifying potential NIL compliance concerns and appropriate remedial action

    • Understanding the current and likely future state of NCAA and state NIL enforcement activity

    • Implementing policies and procedures to help mitigate the risk of NIL-related enforcement activity and sanctions

  11. The Top Compliance & Risk Trends for 2023

    2023 SCCE Webinar  | March 2023 

    • Each year and each new technological advance brings new tools, tactics, and options to drive a strong compliance culture

    • Discover new possibilities for effective communications, meaningful data, and other elements to kickstart program improvements

    • We'll list and unpack each trend and share real-life case studies and examples of how they can be put into practice

  12. FCPA and Anti-Corruption Enforcement Developments: Updates for 2023

    2023 SCCE Webinar  | February 2023 

    • Become familiar with the key takeaways from 2022 FCPA cases

    • Learn about recent corporate compliance-related policy developments from the DOJ and SEC, including the September 2022 Monaco Memorandum

    • Recognize red flags and areas for compliance focus based on recent enforcement activity and trends

  13. Bootstrapping Ethics

    2023 SCCE Webinar  | February 2023 

    • How to create and socialize comprehensive ethics and compliance risk assessments quickly - covering external, controls, and cultural risk factors, minimizing the friction and pain for your internal stakeholders.

    • How to build content that resonates by borrowing and stealing (ethically!) from marketing, behavioral science, and product design.

    • Using the power of stories (and raising kids) to connect with (sometimes hostile) internal stakeholders. Understand the power of simulated crises to change ambivalent colleagues into allies.

  14. 2022 Dept of Justice and OFAC Sanctions Enforcement and Compliance Review

    2023 SCCE Webinar  | February 2023 

    • DOJ and OFAC focus on evasion of and compliance with the Russia sanctions regime.

    • Common root cause of sanctions violations

    • Continued focus on third-party risks and violations

  15. Creating a Data Retention Policy to Meet Privacy Requirements

    2023 SCCE Webinar  | February 2023 

    • What are the new requirements around retention of personal information?

    • How do companies justify the retention of personal information?

    • How to avoid conflicts across privacy and records policies?

    • How do organizations execute these new requirements?

  16. 2023 Does your Compliance Training Program stand the Test of Time?

    2023 SCCE Webinar  | January 2023 

    • What goes into building or reviving an effective code of conduct

    • How code of conduct training can influence your organization's culture

    • Why you need to assess, and update, your code of conduct training regularly

    • How you can use your code of conduct training to meet learners where they are at and not lose your learner

  17. Great Expectations: CEO and CCO Certifications of Ethics & Compliance Program Effectiveness

    2023 SCCE Webinar  | January 2023 

    • Participants will have a better understanding of how the CEO and CCO certification of compliance program effectiveness came to be.

    • Participants will learn about example cases where DOJ and SEC plea agreements required the compliance program attestation.

    • Participants will recognize how compliance attestations will benefit their company by reinforcing risk ownership and the significance of the compliance program throughout the organization.

    • Participants will leave the session with five critical steps to take when certifying, or assisting CEOs and CCOs in certifying, to the effectiveness of a company's compliance program.

  18. Third-Party Due Diligence in LATAM

    2023 SCCE Webinar  | January 2023 

    • The importance of third-party due diligence

    • Challenges of third-party due diligence in LATAM

    • How to establish a proper due diligence process: key steps, identifying risk based categories.

    • How to protect the organization's interests

    • The South American compliance framework: comparative approach between Argentina, Brazil, Peru and Chile

  19. FCPA Enforcement Update: Lessons Learned for Best Practices

    2023 SCCE Webinar  | January 2023 

    • Overview of FCPA.

    • Key Compliance Challenges.

    • Identifying foreign officials.

    • Gifts, entertainment, and hospitality.

    • Third-party due diligence.

    • Books and records compliance.

    • Lessons from recent Enforcement

    • Actions.Significant penalties for third party action.

    • Questionable books and records activities.

    • Imposition of monitors.

    • Compliance Best Practices.

    • Training of third parties/vendors.

    • Robust internal controls.

    • Regular compliance monitoring and reviews - Proactive Compliance.

  20. SEC Heightens Compliance Enforcement of Public Companies - What it means for 2023

    2023 SCCE Webinar  | January 2023 

    • Overview of new SEC enforcement actions enacted in 2022

    • Examples of SEC enforcement actions that have happened in 2022

    • Outlook of enforcement agenda for 2023

  21. Security Compliance at Scale

    2022 SCCE Webinar  | December 2022 

    • Learn the technical dos and don'ts in implementing security compliance frameworks such as SOC 2, ISO 27001 and HIPAA

    • Discussion about why security compliance is so critical for organizations today

    • Understand best practices for streamlining the compliance process

  22. Using Branding & Storytelling to Create an Inclusive & Engaging Compliance Department

    2022 SCCE Webinar  | December 2022 

    • Understand the conscious and unconscious ways in which storytelling influences the way we see ourselves, our organization, our department, our colleagues, society and products.

    • Tips to ensure that your "branding & storytelling" for your department and services is inclusive, not exclusive.

    • How to tell an authentic story to effectively communicate with your workforce.

    • Case studies of popular brands & pop-culture. (including Disney, WeWork, L Brands, Santa Claus, etc.)

  23. Journey together to DEI Success with the dynamic duo of Compliance & HR

    2022 SCCE Webinar  | December 2022 

    • Get woke and learn about DEI, your compliance duties, and the sentiments of your labor pool.

    • Set a solid foundation for legal and regulatory compliance around DEI using the Federal Sentencing Guidelines (FSG), enterprise risk management (ERM), and compliance risk management.

    • Build and communicate a compelling DEI story and structure that resonates with employees and drives organizational change.

    • Stack flashy employee engagement activities atop compliant DEI policies to transform DEI from a "must do" to an "essential way of life".

    • Consistently measure results, assess gaps, and refine actions to get incrementally better over time

  24. Building Value: Positioning the Ethics & Compliance Role to Strategic Ethics & Compliance Business Partner

    2022 SCCE Webinar  | November 2022 

    • Learn how to create an engagement strategy that positions ethics and compliance as a competitive advantage.

    • Learn techniques to develop a relationship with leaders that creates value beyond compliance.

    • Understand the business engagement skills every compliance professional should have in their toolkit