2021 HCCA & SCCE Webinar

  1. Training Made EASY: Using Best Practices to Rocket Employee Retention

    2021 HCCA & SCCE Webinar  | December 14, 2021 

    • Learn the latest research on engagement and retention and how to apply it to YOUR program.

    • Get practical tips for creating effective, entertaining, and memorable training.

    • Good training produces measurable results.

    • Learn how to prove effectiveness per the DOJ.

  2. Project Management in Compliance Programs at Different Stages of Maturity

    2021 HCCA & SCCE Webinar  | November 04, 2021 

    • Discuss how to evaluate resources and utilize that information to ensure delivery of the program

    • The role of corporate culture, when to play nice and when to be a bull in the china shop

    • Company values and leadership as foundations of an effective compliance program - the role of leaders{br/}

  3. Building and Sustaining an Effective Conduct and Ethics Program

    2021 HCCA & SCCE Webinar  | October 19, 2021 

    • Setting the stage: Defining and fostering an ethical culture

    • Establishing the fundamentals: Implementing the building blocks of an effective program

    • Moving beyond the fundamentals: Incorporating innovative risk management techniques

    • Maintaining organizational interest: Making Conduct and ethics an enduring priority

  4. Artificial Intelligence: A roadmap for the compliance and risk leader

    2021 HCCA & SCCE Webinar  | October 14, 2021 

    • What AI is and isn't

    • AI risks and AI opportunities for the compliance and risk leader

    • The AI regulatory landscape

    • How to develop a customized AI compliance and risk roadmap for your organization

  5. Building a Risk-Based Compliance and Ethics Program with Limited Resources

    2021 HCCA & SCCE Webinar  | August 26, 2021 

    • Identify the regulatory and business cases for a compliance and ethics program in order to obtain board and senior leadership commitment and support

    • Discuss the corporate internal control structure and where compliance both fits in and can drive that structure

    • Developing a roadmap and tools for assessing specific corporate compliance risks and implementing a risk-based program with limited resources

  6. Next-Gen Auditing and Analytics

    2021 HCCA & SCCE Webinar  | August 18, 2021 

    • Describe the importance of a compliance program audits and the next generation compliance audit approach and supporting governance, methodology, and enabling technology frameworks

    • Discuss how to utilize high impact reporting to demonstrate dynamic risk assessment and continuous monitoring results and other high-value analytic insights

    • Demonstrate actionable analytic examples that can be derived and clearly articulated using enabling technologies such as robotics process automation, process mining, and data visualization business intelligence software

    • Assess where your organization's compliance audit function stands today and determine what steps can be taken to mature your compliance audit capabilities in the pursuit of next-gen auditing

  7. Building Cross-Functional Partnerships (August 2021)

    2021 HCCA & SCCE Webinar  | August 04, 2021 

    • Understand how building cross-functional partnerships allows compliance departments to identify win-win goals with other departments and achieve more with less

    • Focus on specific, discrete areas where department goals overlap

    • Identify common goals that create shared interests to leverage limited time and resources to achieve them

    • Use the additional work you are able to accomplish with cross-functional coordination to make the case that money in the compliance budget is well spent and decreases risk across the organization

  8. Interview Strategies for Compliance Investigations (July 2021)

    2021 HCCA & SCCE Webinar  | July 26, 2021 

    • Learn key strategies and practical tips for conducting effective compliance investigation interviews, including considerations related to:

    • Interview formats (in-person vs.remote)

    • Participants

    • Attorney-client privilege issues

    • Privacy and confidentiality

    • Discussion techniques

    • Documentation practices

  9. Hardwiring Compliance Across the Organization (2021)

    2021 HCCA & SCCE Webinar  | April 15, 2021 

    • How to build relationships to help initiate change

    • How to create a feedback loop that does not compromise investigation integrity

    • How to create a cultural paradigm shift where a robust culture of safety encourages employees to report their concerns

  10. Compliance and Ethics in a Post COVID-19 World (2021)

    2021 HCCA & SCCE Webinar  | February 18, 2021 

    • Discuss the changes in business and the likely long-term implications for compliance post COVID-19 in the new "normal"

    • Outline strategies to leverage pandemic language and ensure positive changes in ethics or compliance made during the pandemic stay embedded in culture long term

    • Discuss cautionary tales as businesses transition out of the pandemic and risks created by the pandemic such as slim margins, supply chain disruption, higher personal and organizational debit, and pandemic stress fatigue{br/}

  11. ESG (Environment, Social and Governance): A Practical Primer for Ethics and Compliance Professionals

    2021 HCCA & SCCE Webinar  | Presenter(s): Lisa Beth Lentini Walker, Deborah Adleman  | July 21, 2021 

    • What is ESG and who are the key players today—and potentially tomorrow?

    • Why does ESG matter to me and my organization?

    • What arepotential tools in the compliance and ethics toolkit your organization can apply to ESG even as regulations are not yet developed?

    • What are key questions to consider as you go back to your leadership team and the board?

  12. How to Create and Promote a Speak Up Culture (July 2021)

    2021 HCCA & SCCE Webinar  | Presenter(s): Michael Volkov  | July 19, 2021 

    • An organization’s culture of ethics and compliance depends on trust and integrity among all directors, officers, and employees

    • As part of this bond of trust and integrity, an organization has to encourage and promote employeereporting of concerns and issues

    • A “speak up culture” is an integral component of an organization’s ethical culture

    • When employees trust the system and the organization, they will raise and report concerns and provide leadership with important information needed to improve the organization and avoid potential enforcement actions

    • Organizations need to encourage and promote a speak up culture as a vibrant source of valuable information needed to continuously improve the organization

    • In this webinar, Michael Volkov will review the strategies needed to encourage and ensure a speak up culture

  13. Creating a Modern and Compliant Records Retention Schedule

    2021 HCCA & SCCE Webinar  | Presenter(s): Mark Diamond  | June 30, 2021 

    • Understand how a changing information environment requires a new approach to records compliance

    • Differences between a traditional and modern records retention schedule

    • Methods of automating records management processes

    • Creating records programs that not only reduce risk and ensure compliance, but also drive employee productivity

  14. Ethics, Compliance and Organizational Behavior: where's the link?

    2021 HCCA & SCCE Webinar  | Presenter(s): Mujo Vilašević  | June 24, 2021 

    • Get to know basics of compliance management, compliance program and ethics

    • Learn about organizational behavior principles

    • Get to understand connections between compliance, ethics and organizational behavior

    • Learn tips on effective compliance management and organizational issues

  15. Day One As A New Compliance Officer

    2021 HCCA & SCCE Webinar  | Presenter(s): Gerry Roy, James Rose, Jane Elezian  | June 02, 2021 

    • Provide a framework for new compliance officers to understand their main areas of risk

    • Identify the order in which they should tackle existing compliance concerns

    • Describe effective tools for reviewing the current state of a compliance program

    • Provide a blueprint for successfully building an effective compliance program

  16. How to Meet Compliance, Ethical, and Regulatory Requirements for Plain Language

    2021 HCCA & SCCE Webinar  | Presenter(s): Deborah Bosley  | May 17, 2021 

    • Understand what the problems are

    • Know which regulations require plain language

    • Explain plain language strategies

    • Learn how meeting requirements mitigates risk and improves brand

  17. What Compliance Professionals Need to Know about Immigration Law (2021 HCCA & SCCE Webinar)

    2021 HCCA & SCCE Webinar  | Presenter(s): Joe Lee, Angelo Paparelli, Brendan Ryan, Nicole Kersey  | May 12, 2021 

    • Provide a general overview of the various immigration laws that may impact ethics and compliance, including hidden risks that may be lurking in an employer’s filing cabinets

    • Provide updates on COVID-related changes to Form I-9 compliance

    • Discuss how to interact with internal stakeholders to address the ethics and compliance risks that may arise under immigration laws

    • Provide guidance regarding how to interact with the federal agencies overseeing immigration laws and respond to audits and investigations

  18. Identity and Access Management - Closing the Loop on Data Governance

    2021 HCCA & SCCE Webinar  | Presenter(s): Daniel Fabbri  | May 06, 2021 

    • Understanding the importance of user access reviews

    • Challenges organizations face when trying to review and attest to user access to sensitive systems

    • Approaches to better manage user access reviews across organizations and multiple systems

  19. The 4 C's of Compliance

    2021 HCCA/SCCE Web Conference  | Presenter(s): Angie Surra  | March 10, 2021 

    • What data, documents, and notifications need to be captured based on size and industry

    • How to coordinate the information for tracking hours, benefit enrollment, and reporting to the IRS

    • How to cultivate a compliant community using various forms of communication