2021 Compliance Solutions Across Industries

  1. Assessing the Real-World Effectiveness of Your Compliance Program for Yourself, Leadership, and Regulators

    2021 Compliance Solutions Across Industries  | Presenter(s): Donald Griffith, Caroline McMichen, Gerry Zack, Kurt Michels  | June 09, 2021 

    • Creating an integrated, data-based system for measuring your program’s performance

    • Assessing both hard and soft factors such as culture, behavior and conduc

    • Using the data to create a stronger program

  2. Compliance challenges posed by the growth and power of Big Tech and Social Media Companies

    2021 Compliance Solutions Across Industries  | Presenter(s): Eric Young, Gene Ludwig, Greg Montana, Jeff Martino  | June 09, 2021 

    • What new or different compliance considerations are there for each of these sectors, including antitrust?

    • What is a “bank” going forward, as bank regulators are licensing Big Tech and start up Fintechs to buy and operate banks

    • Who is a “third party” if a technology or other major services provider owns a bank and provides payments services?

  3. KYC or AML requirements - meeting enhanced social and legal requirements for knowing your customer and the new AML Act

    2021 Compliance Solutions Across Industries  | Presenter(s): Jennifer Ambuehl, Brian Kindle, Katherine Lemire, Ellen Zimiles  | June 09, 2021 

    • Navigating the fast-changing sanctions regimes

    • Meeting the new UBO requirements

    • Ensuring third party partners are not creating additional risks

  4. Latest Lessons to be Learned from Anticorruption Enforcement

    2021 Compliance Solutions Across Industries  | Presenter(s): Daniel Kahn, John Cusack, Chuck Duross  | June 09, 2021 

    • Learning from Goldman Sachs and other banking and commercial cases

    • Should we expect anything different with a new administration

    • The increasing importance of non-US enforcement and multi-lateral prosecutions

  5. Navigating the enhanced Antitrust Enforcement environment

    2021 Compliance Solutions Across Industries  | Presenter(s): Theodore Banks, Carolyn Sweeney  | June 09, 2021 

    • What the Google and Facebook cases may mean for other companies

    • Non-US enforcement activity: Europe remains very active

    • Implications of emergence of FinTech for antitrust

  6. The Nexus of Governance and Compliance

    2021 Compliance Solutions Across Industries  | Presenter(s): Honorable Leo E. Strine, Jr, Jonah Crane, Eric Young  | June 09, 2021 

    • Preparing the board to meet increased DOJ expectations

    • Maximizing interactions with the Board to ensure support and during a crisis

    • New strategic value of Compliance with the Board