2020 Houston Regional Healthcare Compliance Conference

  1. Antitrust Enforcement: Evaluating Compliance Programs

    2020 Houston Regional Healthcare Compliance Conference  | Presenter(s): Mark Grundvig, Aimee Imundo  | December 11, 2020 

    • Understanding the Antitrust Division compliance program evaluation criteria

    • Lessons to learn from recent cases

  2. COVID-19 Documentation, Coding and Billing Compliance Risks and Assessments

    2020 Houston Regional Healthcare Compliance Conference  | Presenter(s): Laura Jarrett, Bryan Beaudoin, Joe O’Malley  | December 11, 2020 

    • Review federal and state guidance regarding documentation, coding, and billing guidance for COVID and COVID-related services during the pandemic

    • Learn how one compliance program has managed the evolving guidance around expanded virtual health services, COVID testing, and other COVID-related services in order to mitigate risk and incorporate the changes 2020 has made to their annual workplan

    • Hear about current documentation, coding and billing trends, risk areas and best practices for monitoring and auditing

  3. How to Respond to "I Heard That is Illegal!"

    2020 Houston Regional Healthcare Compliance Conference  | Presenter(s): David Glaser  | December 11, 2020 

    • Suggestions for improving your hiring process for compliance professionals

    • Tips for explaining complicated rules and the legal hierarchy to both compliance professionals and medical professionals

    • Strategies for analyzing contradictory “expert” opinions and reducing the legal anxiety that can prompt employees to become external whistleblowers

    • Review examples of situations where compliance professionals correctly, or incorrectly, concluded something was illegal

  4. Managing Compliance Risk: CARES Act Audit and Monitoring Strategies

    2020 Houston Regional Healthcare Compliance Conference  | Presenter(s): Lori Laubach, Sharon Hartzel  | December 11, 2020 

    • Provide an Overview of CARES Act Funding for Providers

    • Consider the specific compliance risks areas in regard to CARES Act funding where the compliance team can focus resources to assess the system of internal controls and/or provide monitoring and auditing assistance

    • Walk through examples of internal control strengths and opportunities for improvement in identified risk areas; discuss related workplans and corrective action to drive results and mitigate risk

  5. Transform Your Policies: A (Relatively) Pain-Free Guide (2020 Houston Regional Healthcare Compliance Conference)

    2020 Houston Regional Healthcare Compliance Conference  | Presenter(s): Andrea Falcione, Desiree Ramirez  | December 11, 2020 

    • Building on momentum from its digital Code of Culture initiative, University of North Texas Health Science Center (UNTHSC) embarked upon a policy transformation journey to fundamentally change its approach to policy management

    • Learn about UNTHSC’s mandate to decrease the number of its policies from 425 to a more manageable 90 (or so!)

    • Hear how UNTHSC evaluated its existing policy inventory and policy management process and then crafted and executed on a massive policy transformation plan