Establishing patient volume.

§ 495.306 Establishing patient volume.

(a) General rule. A Medicaid provider must annually meet patient volume requirements of § 495.304, as these requirements are established through the State's SMHP in accordance with the remainder of this section.

(b) State option(s) through SMHP. (1) A State must submit through the SMHP the option or options it has selected for measuring patient volume.


(i) A State must select the method described in either paragraph (c) or paragraph (d) of this section (or both methods).

(ii) Under paragraphs (c)(1)(i), (c)(2)(i), (c)(3)(i), (d)(1)(i), and (d)(2)(i) of this section, States may choose whether to allow eligible providers to calculate total Medicaid or total needy individual patient encounters in any representative continuous 90-day period in the 12 months preceding the EP or eligible hospital's attestation or based upon a representative, continuous 90-day period in the calendar year preceding the payment year for which the EP or eligible hospital is attesting.

(3) In addition, or as an alternative to the method selected in paragraph (b)(2) of this section, a State may select the method described in paragraph (g) of this section.

(c) Methodology, patient encounter—(1) EPs. To calculate Medicaid patient volume, an EP must divide:

(i) The total Medicaid patient encounters in any representative, continuous 90-day period in the calendar year preceding the EP's payment year, or in the 12 months before the EP's attestation; by

(ii) The total patient encounters in the same 90-day period.

(2) Eligible hospitals. To calculate Medicaid patient volume, an eligible hospital must divide—

(i) The total Medicaid encounters in any representative, continuous 90-day period in the fiscal year preceding the hospitals' payment year or in the 12 months before the hospital's attestation; by

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