
42 U.S. Code § 300gg-134. Enforcement

(a) State enforcement
(1) State authority
Each State may require a provider or health care facility (including a provider of air ambulance services) subject to the requirements of this part to satisfy such requirements applicable to the provider or facility.
(2) Failure to implement requirements
In the case of a determination by the Secretary that a State has failed to substantially enforce the requirements to which paragraph (1) applies with respect to applicable providers and facilities in the State, the Secretary shall enforce such requirements under subsection (b) insofar as they relate to violations of such requirements occurring in such State.
(3) Notification of applicable Secretary
A State may notify the Secretary of Labor, Secretary of Health and Human Services, or the Secretary of the Treasury, as applicable, of instances of violations of sections 300gg–131, 300gg–132, or 300gg–135 of this title with respect to participants, beneficiaries, or enrollees under a group health plan or group or individual health insurance coverage, as applicable [1] offered by a health insurance issuer and any enforcement actions taken against providers or facilities as a result of such violations, including the disposition of any such enforcement actions.
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