Empowering ethics: Unleashing compliance program success through psychological safety

Jennifer Mason (jennifer.mason2@mckesson.com) is the Vice President of Enterprise Compliance & Ethics at McKesson in Dallas, Texas, USA.

Since Harvard Business School’s Amy Edmondson applied the term “psychological safety” to work teams in 1999, the concept has evolved considerably as employers have become increasingly focused on supporting mental health, engaging in more agile ways of working, and promoting inclusivity. In today’s organization, psychological safety has shifted from a notion that is merely “nice to have” to an essential, as it improves team members’ professional lives, promotes their personal well-being, drives innovation, establishes meaningful relationships, builds trust, and just makes good business sense. As organizations are recognizing the value through improved team member engagement, business innovation, and profitability, we’d be remiss—as compliance professionals—if we didn’t also recognize the undeniable impact it has on the effectiveness of the programs we strive to build and maintain.

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