Emergency response exercises.

§ 68.96 Emergency response exercises.

(a) Notification exercises. At least once each calendar year, the owner or operator of a stationary source with any Program 2 or Program 3 process shall conduct an exercise of the stationary source's emergency response notification mechanisms required under § 68.90(b)(3) or § 68.95(a)(1)(i), as appropriate, before December 19, 2024, and annually thereafter. Owners or operators of responding stationary sources may perform the notification exercise as part of the tabletop and field exercises required in paragraph (b) of this section. The owner/operator shall maintain a written record of each notification exercise conducted over the last five years.

(b) Emergency response exercise program. The owner or operator of a stationary source subject to the requirements of § 68.95 shall develop and implement an exercise program for its emergency response program, including the plan required under § 68.95(a)(1). Exercises shall involve facility emergency response personnel and, as appropriate, emergency response contractors. When planning emergency response field and tabletop exercises, the owner or operator shall coordinate with local public emergency response officials and invite them to participate in the exercise. The emergency response exercise program shall include:

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