Eligible applicants and proposed activities which are ineligible.

§ 1336.33 Eligible applicants and proposed activities which are ineligible.

(a) Eligibility for the listed programs is restricted to the following specified categories of organizations. In addition, applications from tribal components which are tribally-authorized divisions of a larger tribe must be approved by the governing body of the Tribe. If the applicant, other than a tribe or an Alaska Native Village government, is proposing a project benefiting Native Americans or Native Alaskans, or both, it must provide assurance that its duly elected or appointed board of directors is representative of the community to be served.

(1) Social and Economic Development Strategies (SEDS) and Preservation and Enhancement of Native American Languages:

(i) Federally recognized Indian Tribes;

(ii) Consortia of Indian Tribes;

(iii) Incorporated non-Federally recognized Tribes;

(iv) Incorporated nonprofit multi-purpose community-based Indian organizations;

(v) Urban Indian Centers;

(vi) National and regional incorporated nonprofit Native American organizations with Native American community-specific objectives;

(vii) Alaska Native villages as defined in the Alaska Native Claims Settlement Act (ANSCA) and/or nonprofit village consortia;

(viii) Incorporated nonprofit Alaska Native multi-purpose community-based organizations;

(ix) Nonprofit Alaska Native Regional Corporations/Associations in Alaska with village specific projects;

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