Dodd-Frank and the repercussions of dismantling it

Robin Singh ( is the Compliance & Fraud Control Lead at Abu Dhabi Health Services Company in Abu Dhabi, UAE.

The financial system is meant to help the common man and businesses invest, save, manage, and diversify risks. This system is widespread with conflicts of interest and reckless practices, as seen in the recent subprime crisis.

In the end, the upper management of the banking industry is fairly invisible and unaccountable; however, it is the common man who faces the brunt of losing their savings. Every economic downturn needs a hero, and in came U.S. Senator Christopher J. Dodd and U.S. Representative Barney Frank to save the day and establish an ambitious overhaul of the financial system.

The incoming White House administration has indicated its intention to dismantle a key aspect of Barack Obama’s legacy: the Dodd-Frank Act. This article examines various facets of Dodd-Frank and what would happen if it was to be repealed.

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