Disapproval of State registrations.

§ 162.154 Disapproval of State registrations.

(a) General disapprovals. (1) Except as provided in paragraph (b) of this section, the Administrator may disapprove, on any reasonable grounds, any state registration which, when compared to a federally registered product, does not have both a similar composition and a similar use pattern; provided that the Administrator may not disapprove such a registration solely because of a lack of essentiality. Grounds for disapproval of State registrations not involving similar products may include, but are not limited to:

(i) Probable creation of unreasonable adverse effects on man or the environment by the registered use.

(ii) Refusal of the registering State to submit information supporting the registration as required by § 162.153(h).

(iii) Failure of information submitted by the State to support the State's decision to issue the registration under standards established by § 162.153.

(2) Prior to disapproval of any State registration under this paragraph, the Administrator shall notify the registering State, in writing, of the Administrator's intent to disapprove, and of the reasons for disapproval. The notice of intent will provide a reasonable time, not less than ten days from the date the notice is received by the State, for the State to respond, and will invite the State to consult with the Administrator or his designee. If the grounds for disapproval are based on actions or omissions by the State, the notice will, if possible, also provide the State with a reasonable amount of time in which to take corrective action, not to exceed the time allowed for disapproval under paragraph (c) of this section.

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