Direct funding and administration by Indian tribes

42 U.S. Code § 612. Direct funding and administration by Indian tribes

(a) Grants for Indian tribes
(1) Tribal family assistance grant
(A) In general
For each of fiscal years 2017 and 2018, the Secretary shall pay to each Indian tribe that has an approved tribal family assistance plan a tribal family assistance grant for the fiscal year in an amount equal to the amount determined under subparagraph (B), which shall be reduced for a fiscal year, on a pro rata basis for each quarter, in the case of a tribal family assistance plan approved during a fiscal year for which the plan is to be in effect, and shall reduce the grant payable under section 603(a)(1) of this title to any State in which lies the service area or areas of the Indian tribe by that portion of the amount so determined that is attributable to expenditures by the State.
(B) Amount determined
(i) In general
The amount determined under this subparagraph is an amount equal to the total amount of the Federal payments to a State or States under section 603 of this title (as in effect during such fiscal year) for fiscal year 1994 attributable to expenditures (other than child care expenditures) by the State or States under parts A and F (as so in effect) for fiscal year 1994 for Indian families residing in the service area or areas identified by the Indian tribe pursuant to subsection (b)(1)(C) of this section.
(ii) Use of State submitted data
(I) In general
The Secretary shall use State submitted data to make each determination under clause (i).
(II) Disagreement with determination
If an Indian tribe or tribal organization disagrees with State submitted data described under subclause (I), the Indian tribe or tribal organization may submit to the Secretary such additional information as may be relevant to making the determination under clause (i) and the Secretary may consider such information before making such determination.
(2) Grants for Indian tribes that received jobs funds
(A) In general
For each of fiscal years 2017 and 2018, the Secretary shall pay to each eligible Indian tribe that proposes to operate a program described in subparagraph (C) a grant in an amount equal to the amount received by the Indian tribe in fiscal year 1994 under section 682(i) of this title (as in effect during fiscal year 1994).
(B) Eligible Indian tribe
For purposes of subparagraph (A), the term “eligible Indian tribe” means an Indian tribe or Alaska Native organization that conducted a job opportunities and basic skills training program in fiscal year 1995 under section 682(i) of this title (as in effect during fiscal year 1995).
(C) Use of grant
Each Indian tribe to which a grant is made under this paragraph shall use the grant for the purpose of operating a program to make work activities available to such population and such service area or areas as the tribe specifies.
(D) Appropriation
Out of any money in the Treasury of the United States not otherwise appropriated, there are appropriated $7,633,287 for each fiscal year specified in subparagraph (A) for grants under subparagraph (A).
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