Diluted exhaust flow (CVS) calibration.

§ 1065.340 Diluted exhaust flow (CVS) calibration.

(a) Overview. This section describes how to calibrate flow meters for diluted exhaust constant-volume sampling (CVS) systems.

(b) Scope and frequency. Perform this calibration while the flow meter is installed in its permanent position, except as allowed in paragraph (c) of this section. Perform this calibration after you change any part of the flow configuration upstream or downstream of the flow meter that may affect the flow-meter calibration. Perform this calibration upon initial CVS installation and whenever corrective action does not resolve a failure to meet the diluted exhaust flow verification (i.e., propane check) in § 1065.341.

(c) Ex-situ CFV and SSV calibration. You may remove a CFV or SSV from its permanent position for calibration as long as it meets the following requirements when installed in the CVS:

(1) Upon installation of the CFV or SSV into the CVS, use good engineering judgment to verify that you have not introduced any leaks between the CVS inlet and the venturi.

(2) After ex-situ venturi calibration, you must verify all venturi flow combinations for CFVs or at minimum of 10 flow points for an SSV using the propane check as described in § 1065.341. Your propane check result for each venturi flow point may not exceed the tolerance in § 1065.341(f)(5).

(3) To verify your ex-situ calibration for a CVS with more than a single CFV, perform the following check to verify that there are no flow meter entrance effects that can prevent you from passing this verification.

(i) Use a constant flow device like a CFO kit to deliver a constant flow of propane to the dilution tunnel.

(ii) Measure hydrocarbon concentrations at a minimum of 10 separate flow rates for an SSV flow meter, or at all possible flow combinations for a CFV flow meter, while keeping the flow of propane constant. We recommend selecting CVS flow rates in a random order.

(iii) Measure the concentration of hydrocarbon background in the dilution air at the beginning and end of this test. Subtract the average background concentration from each measurement at each flow point before performing the regression analysis in paragraph (c)(3)(iv) of this section.

(iv) Perform a power regression using all the paired values of flow rate and corrected concentration to obtain a relationship in the form of y = a · xb. Use concentration as the independent variable and flow rate as the dependent variable. For each data point, calculate the difference between the measured flow rate and the value represented by the curve fit. The difference at each point must be less than ±1% of the appropriate regression value. The value of b must be between −1.005 and −0.995. If your results do not meet these limits, take corrective action consistent with § 1065.341(a).

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