Diethylene glycol butyl ether and diethylene glycol butyl ether acetate.

§ 799.1560 Diethylene glycol butyl ether and diethylene glycol butyl ether acetate.

(a) Identification of test substances. (1) Diethylene glycol butyl ether (DGBE), CAS Number 112-34-5, and diethylene glycol butyl ether acetate (DGBA), CAS Number 124-17-4, shall be tested in accordance with this section.

(2) DGBE of at least 95 percent purity and DGBA of at least 95 percent purity shall be used as the test substances.

(b) Persons required to submit study plans, conduct tests, and submit data. All persons who manufacture (including import) or process or intend to manufacture or process DGBE and/or DGBA, other than as an impurity, after April 11, 1988, to the end of the reimbursement period shall submit letters of intent to conduct testing, submit study plans and conduct tests, and submit data, or submit exemption applications as specified in this section, subpart A of this part, and parts 790 and 792 of this chapter for single-phase rulemaking. Persons who manufacture or process DGBE are subject to the requirements to test DGBE in this section. Only persons who manufacture or process DGBA are subject to the requirements to test DGBA in this section.

(c) Health effects testing—(1) Subchronic toxicity—(i) Required testing. (A) A 90-day subchronic toxicity test of DGBE shall be conducted in rats by dermal application in accordance with § 798.2250 of this chapter except for the provisions in paragraphs (e)(9)(iv), (10)(i)(A) and (ii)(B), (11) (ii) and (iii), and (12)(i) of § 798.2250.

(B) For the purpose of this section, the following provisions also apply:

(1) A satellite group to evaluate fertility shall be established. Control males shall be cohabited with control females, and males and females administered the high dose shall be cohabited. Endpoints to be evaluated shall include percent mated; percent pregnant; length of gestation; litter size; viability at birth, on Day 4, and weaning, on Day 21; sex of the offspring; and litter weights at birth and Days 4, 7, 14, and 21. Litters shall be standardized on day 4 in accordance with the reproductive and fertility effects guideline, § 798.4700(c)(6)(iv) of this chapter. Gross examinations shall be made at least once each day and physical or behavioral anomalies in the dam or offspring shall be recorded. At weaning, dams shall be sacrificed and examined for resorption sites indicative of post-implantation loss. An additional 20 males and 40 females will have to be added to the subchronic study for this test. If the animals in the high dose group exhibit marked toxicity (e.g. greater than 20 percent weight loss), then the fertility tests shall be conducted in the next highest dose group.

(2) Cage-side observations shall include, but not be limited to, changes in skin and fur; eyes and mucous membranes; respiratory, circulatory autonomic, and central nervous systems; somatomotor activity; and behavior pattern. In addition a daily examination for hematuria shall be done.

(3) Certain hematology determinations shall be carried out at least three times during the test period: Just prior to initiation of dosing (baseline data), after approximately 30 days on test, and just prior to terminal sacrifice at the end of the test period. Hematology determinations which are appropriate to all studies: Hematocrit, hemoglobin concentration, erythrocyte count, total and differential leucocyte count, mean corpuscular volume, and a platelet count.

(4) Urinalyses shall be done at least three times during the test period: Just prior to initiation of dosing (baseline data), after approximately 30 days into the test, and just prior to terminal sacrifice at the end of the test period. The animals shall be kept in metabolism cages, and the urine shall be examined microscopically for the presence of erythrocytes and renal tubular cells, in addition to measurement of urine volume, specific gravity, glucose, protein/albumin, and blood.

(5) The liver, kidney, adrenals, brain, gonads, prostate gland, epididymides, seminal vesicles, and pituitary gland shall be weighed wet, as soon as possible after dissection, to avoid drying.

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