Development of risk and needs assessment system

18 U.S. Code § 3632. Development of risk and needs assessment system

(a)In General.—Not later than 210 days after the date of enactment of this subchapter, the Attorney General, in consultation with the Independent Review Committee authorized by the First Step Act of 2018, shall develop and release publicly on the Department of Justice website a risk and needs assessment system (referred to in this subchapter as the “System”), which shall be used to—
determine the recidivism risk of each prisoner as part of the intake process, and classify each prisoner as having minimum, low, medium, or high risk for recidivism;
assess and determine, to the extent practicable, the risk of violent or serious misconduct of each prisoner;
determine the type and amount of evidence-based recidivism reduction programming that is appropriate for each prisoner and assign each prisoner to such programming accordingly, and based on the prisoner’s specific criminogenic needs, and in accordance with subsection (b);
reassess the recidivism risk of each prisoner periodically, based on factors including indicators of progress, and of regression, that are dynamic and that can reasonably be expected to change while in prison;
(5) reassign the prisoner to appropriate evidence-based recidivism reduction programs or productive activities based on the revised determination to ensure that—
all prisoners at each risk level have a meaningful opportunity to reduce their classification during the period of incarceration;
to address [1] the specific criminogenic needs of the prisoner; and
all prisoners are able to successfully participate in such programs;
determine when to provide incentives and rewards for successful participation in evidence-based recidivism reduction programs or productive activities in accordance with subsection (e);
determine when a prisoner is ready to transfer into prerelease custody or supervised release in accordance with section 3624; and
determine the appropriate use of audio technology for program course materials with an understanding of dyslexia.
In carrying out this subsection, the Attorney General may use existing risk and needs assessment tools, as appropriate.
(b)Assignment of Evidence-based Recidivism Reduction Programs.—The System shall provide guidance on the type, amount, and intensity of evidence-based recidivism reduction programming and productive activities that shall be assigned for each prisoner, including—
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