Development of plans to alleviate adverse impact of embargoes

7 U.S. Code § 5672. Development of plans to alleviate adverse impact of embargoes

To alleviate, to the maximum extent possible, the adverse impact on farmers, elevator operators, common carriers, and exporters of agricultural commodities of the President or other member of the executive branch of the Federal Government causing the export of any agricultural commodity to any country or area of the world to be suspended or restricted, the Secretary of Agriculture shall—
(1) develop a comprehensive contingency plan that shall include—
an assessment of existing farm programs with a view to determining whether such programs are sufficiently flexible to enable the Secretary to efficiently and effectively offset the adverse impact of such a suspension or restriction on farmers, elevator operators, common carriers, and exporters of commodities provided for under such programs;
an evaluation of the kinds and availability of information needed to determine, on an emergency basis, the extent and severity of the impact of such a suspension or restriction on producers, elevator operators, common carriers, and exporters; and
the development of criteria for determining the extent, if any, to which the impact of such a suspension or restriction should be offset in the case of each of the sectors referred to in paragraph (1)(B);
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