Determining payment for physician services furnished to beneficiaries in teaching hospitals.

§ 415.162 Determining payment for physician services furnished to beneficiaries in teaching hospitals.

(a) General rule. Payments for direct medical and surgical services of physicians furnished to beneficiaries and supervision of interns and residents furnishing care to beneficiaries is made by Medicare on the basis of reasonable cost if the hospital exercises the election as provided for in § 415.160. If this election is made, the following occurs:

(1) Physician services furnished to beneficiaries and supervision of interns and residents furnishing care to beneficiaries are paid on a reasonable-cost basis, as provided for in paragraph (b) of this section.

(2) Payment for certain medical school costs may be made as provided for in paragraph (c) of this section.

(3) Payments for services donated by volunteer physicians to beneficiaries are made to a fund designated by the organized medical staff of the teaching hospital or medical school as provided for in paragraph (d) of this section.

(b) Reasonable cost of physician services and supervision of interns and residents. (1) Physician services furnished to beneficiaries and supervision of interns and residents furnishing care to beneficiaries in a teaching hospital are payable as provider services on a reasonable-cost basis.

(2) For purposes of this paragraph, reasonable cost is defined as the direct salary paid to these physicians, plus applicable fringe benefits.

(3) The costs must be allocated to the services as provided by paragraph (j) of this section and apportioned to program beneficiaries as provided by paragraph (g) of this section.

(4) Other allowable costs incurred by the provider related to the services described in this paragraph are payable subject to the requirements applicable to all other provider services.

(c) Reasonable costs for the services furnished by a medical school or related organization in a hospital. An amount is payable to the hospital by CMS under the Medicare program provided that the costs would be payable if incurred directly by the hospital rather than under the arrangement. The amount must not be in excess of the reasonable costs (as defined in paragraphs (c)(1) and (c)(2) of this section) incurred by a teaching hospital for services furnished by a medical school or organization as described in § 413.17 of this chapter for certain costs to the medical school (or a related organization) in furnishing services in the hospital.

(1) Reasonable costs of physician services—(i) When the medical school and the hospital are related organizations. If the medical school (or organization related to the medical school) and the hospital are related by common ownership or control as described in § 413.17 of this chapter—

(A) The costs of these services are allowable costs to the hospital under the provisions of § 413.17 of this chapter; and

(B) The reimbursable costs to the hospital are determined under the provisions of this section in the same manner as the costs incurred for physicians on the hospital staff and without regard to payments made to the medical school by the hospital.

(ii) When the medical school and the hospital are not related organizations. (A) If the medical school and the hospital are not related organizations under the provisions of § 413.17 of this chapter and the hospital makes payment to the medical school for the costs of those services furnished to all patients, payment is made by Medicare to the hospital for the reasonable cost incurred by the hospital for its payments to the medical school for services furnished to beneficiaries.

(B) Costs incurred under an arrangement must be allocated to the full range of services furnished to the hospital by the medical school physicians on the same basis as provided for under paragraph (j) of this section, and costs allocated to direct medical and surgical services furnished to hospital patients must be apportioned to beneficiaries as provided for under paragraph (g) of this section.

(C) If the medical school and the hospital are not related organizations under the provisions of § 413.17 of this chapter and the hospital makes payment to the medical school only for the costs of those services furnished to beneficiaries, costs of the medical school not to exceed 105 percent of the sum of physician direct salaries, applicable fringe benefits, employer's portion of FICA taxes, Federal and State unemployment taxes, and workmen's compensation paid by the medical school or an organization related to the medical school may be recognized as allowable costs of the medical school.

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