Determination of reasonable charges for physician services furnished to renal dialysis patients.

§ 414.310 Determination of reasonable charges for physician services furnished to renal dialysis patients.

(a) Principle. Physician services furnished to renal dialysis patients are subject to payment if the services are otherwise covered by the Medicare program and if they are considered reasonable and medically necessary in accordance with section 1862(a)(1)(A) of the Act.

(b) Scope and applicability—(1) Scope. This section pertains to physician services furnished to the following patients:

(i) Outpatient maintenance dialysis patients who dialyze—

(A) In an independent or hospital-based ESRD facility, or

(B) At home.

(ii) Hospital inpatients for which the physician elects to continue payment under the monthly capitation payment (MCP) method described in § 414.314.

(2) Applicability. These provisions apply to routine professional services of physicians. They do not apply to administrative services performed by physicians, which are paid for as part of a prospective payment for dialysis services made to the facility under § 413.170 of this chapter.

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