Determination of eligibility.

§ 435.911 Determination of eligibility.

(a) Statutory basis. This section implements sections 1902(a)(4), (a)(8), (a)(10)(A), (a)(19), and (e)(14) and section 1943 of the Act.


(1) Except as provided in paragraph (b)(2) of this section, applicable modified adjusted gross income standard means 133 percent of the Federal poverty level or, if higher –

(i) In the case of parents and other caretaker relatives described in § 435.110(b), the income standard established in accordance with § 435.110(c) or § 435.220(c);

(ii) In the case of pregnant women, the income standard established in accordance with § 435.116(c) of this part;

(iii) In the case of individuals under age 19, the income standard established in accordance with § 435.118(c) of this part;

(iv) The income standard established under § 435.218(b)(1)(iv) of this part, if the State has elected to provide coverage under such section and, if applicable, coverage under the State's phase-in plan has been implemented for the individual whose eligibility is being determined.

(2) In the case of individuals who have attained at least age 65 and individuals who have attained at least age 19 and who are entitled to or enrolled for Medicare benefits under part A or B or title XVIII of the Act, there is no applicable modified adjusted gross income standard, except that in the case of such individuals—

(i) Who are also pregnant, the applicable modified adjusted gross income standard is the standard established under paragraph (b)(1) of this section; or

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