Determination of Dispute.

§ 1500.17 Determination of Dispute.

(a) In determining the merits of the Dispute, the DDO will consider the record related to the Agency Decision, any documentation that the Affected Entity submits with its Dispute, any additional documentation submitted by the Affected Entity in response to the DDO's request under § 1500.16(a), and any other information the DDO determines is relevant to the Dispute provided the DDO gives notice of that information to the Affected Entity. The Affected Entity may not on its own initiative submit any additional documents except in the support of a request for reconsideration under paragraph (c) of this section.

(b) The DDO will issue the Dispute decision within 180 calendar days from the date the Dispute is received by the DDO unless a longer period is necessary based on the complexity of the legal, technical, and factual issues presented. The DDO will notify the Affected Entity if the expected decision will not be issued within the 180-day period and if feasible will indicate when the decision is expected to be issued. The DDO will issue the Dispute decision electronically and advise the Affected Entity of procedures for requesting reconsideration. The DDO's decision will constitute the final agency action unless the Affected Entity electronically petitions the DDO for reconsideration within 15 calendar days of issuance of the DDO Decision. The Affected Entity must include a detailed statement of the factual and legal grounds warranting reversal or modification of the DDO decision. In addition, the Affected Entity may submit additional documents that were not previously provided to the DDO.

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